Dylan wrote this to mock John Lennon doing his style on "Norwegian Wood."
(too old to reply)
2023-11-06 04:38:20 UTC

2023-11-06 06:21:07 UTC
Post by Bruce
Not so sure about 'mock'.

Fourth Time Around - the Bob Dylan Commentaries
"In an interview with Rolling Stone in 1969, Dylan said that Fourth Time
was a response to Norwegian Wood and his influence on Lennon's writing.
Lennon once said that he saw Fourth Time as a good-natured “homage” to
his song."

2024-01-24 19:11:06 UTC
Post by geoff
Post by Bruce
Not so sure about 'mock'.
Fourth Time Around - the Bob Dylan Commentaries
"In an interview with Rolling Stone in 1969, Dylan said that Fourth
Time was a response to Norwegian Wood and his influence on Lennon's
writing. Lennon once said that he saw Fourth Time as a good-natured
“homage” to his song."
I've always heard the consensus was "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"
was the song most closely associated with Dylan.
Pamela Brown
2024-01-25 13:33:13 UTC
Post by super70s
Post by geoff
Post by Bruce
Not so sure about 'mock'.
Fourth Time Around - the Bob Dylan Commentaries
"In an interview with Rolling Stone in 1969, Dylan said that Fourth
Time was a response to Norwegian Wood and his influence on Lennon's
writing. Lennon once said that he saw Fourth Time as a good-natured
“homage” to his song."
I've always heard the consensus was "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"
was the song most closely associated with Dylan.
I was wondering if Ballad of a Thin Man was an inspiration for Nowhere Man...
2024-02-14 13:06:16 UTC
Post by super70s
Post by geoff
Post by Bruce
Not so sure about 'mock'.
Fourth Time Around - the Bob Dylan Commentaries
"In an interview with Rolling Stone in 1969, Dylan said that Fourth
Time was a response to Norwegian Wood and his influence on Lennon's
writing. Lennon once said that he saw Fourth Time as a good-natured
“homage” to his song."
I've always heard the consensus was "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"
was the song most closely associated with Dylan.
I was wondering if Ballad of a Thin Man was an inspiration for Nowhere Man....
Never thought of that..!
Norbert K
2024-02-14 13:27:01 UTC
Post by Pamela Brown
Post by super70s
Post by geoff
Post by Bruce
Not so sure about 'mock'.
Fourth Time Around - the Bob Dylan Commentaries
"In an interview with Rolling Stone in 1969, Dylan said that Fourth
Time was a response to Norwegian Wood and his influence on Lennon's
writing. Lennon once said that he saw Fourth Time as a good-natured
“homage” to his song."
I've always heard the consensus was "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"
was the song most closely associated with Dylan.
I was wondering if Ballad of a Thin Man was an inspiration for Nowhere Man...
Well, Lennon specifically mentions "Dylan's Mr. Jones" in "Yer Blues."

However, that Dylan songs seems to ooze homoerotic imagery, while Lennon's "Nowhere Man" seems to be autobiographical -- with Lennon singing about how lost he felt.
2024-02-23 12:36:30 UTC
Post by Norbert K
Post by Pamela Brown
Post by super70s
Post by geoff
Post by Bruce
Not so sure about 'mock'.
Fourth Time Around - the Bob Dylan Commentaries
"In an interview with Rolling Stone in 1969, Dylan said that Fourth
Time was a response to Norwegian Wood and his influence on Lennon's
writing. Lennon once said that he saw Fourth Time as a good-natured
“homage” to his song."
I've always heard the consensus was "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"
was the song most closely associated with Dylan.
I was wondering if Ballad of a Thin Man was an inspiration for Nowhere Man...
Well, Lennon specifically mentions "Dylan's Mr. Jones" in "Yer Blues."
However, that Dylan songs seems to ooze homoerotic imagery, while Lennon's "Nowhere Man" seems to be autobiographical -- with Lennon singing about how lost he felt.
The homosexual allusions seem rarely commented on, I have observed...
2024-02-24 19:34:31 UTC
After Goldman's book came out, there was debate in the L.A. Times about Goldman's claim that Lennon was bisexual. One person said that Lennon's admission in "Yer Blues" that he "Felt so suicidal/Just like Dylan's Mr. Jones" hinted that Lennon was struggling with his bisexuality at that time.

BTW, where did Lennon get the idea that Dylan's "Mr. Jones" was suicidal? I don't see indication of that in the "Ballad of a Thin Man" lyric.
2024-02-25 18:38:51 UTC
I think there may have been more going on between Dylan and Lennon than meets the eye.
Some of Bob's songs (usually the 'key' songs) have a target. John may have considered himself a target of "Ballad of a Thin Man"...

2024-02-25 19:39:23 UTC
Hmm. Lennon was prone to paranoia (post-LSD phase), and I remember an interview in which he admitted to paranoia specifically pertaining to Dylan.

Lennon even succumbed to the delusion that McCartney's Ram was rife with attacks on him, when in fact McCartney's only gibe was in "Too Many People."
2024-02-26 11:21:06 UTC
2024-02-26 14:51:16 UTC
Yes, that's the quote I was thinking of!

I don't know why, but Lennon was fixated on Dylan, what with his couple of Dylanesque songs, his admission of having been made "very paranoid" by Dylan, his "I don't believe in Zimmerman" line in "God," his cartoons of Dylan (described in Goldman's book), and "Serve Yerself."

Lennon was the better vocalist, guitarist and songwriter of the two by far. I don't know what about Dylan so fascinated John.

Dylan strikes me as an emperor with no clothes.
2024-02-26 15:09:14 UTC
Post by Norbert
Dylan strikes me as an emperor with no clothes.
To me Dylan seems yet another idol of the tone deaf.
xyz001 at nym.hush.com
2024-02-26 17:36:18 UTC
Post by oldernow
Post by Norbert
Dylan strikes me as an emperor with no clothes.
To me Dylan seems yet another idol of the tone deaf.
I liked that! :-)

Dylan was definitely an acquired taste...
2024-02-26 18:13:14 UTC
Post by Blueshirt
Post by oldernow
To me Dylan seems yet another idol of the tone deaf.
I liked that! :-)
Dylan was definitely an acquired taste...
My gag reflex never gave my taste buds sufficient time to experience
the state of acquisition. :-)

That said, I can occasionally swish "Lay Lady Lay". Sorta. :-)

Oh my... went to the Wikipedia entry for that song where I found:

"'Lay Lady Lay', sometimes rendered 'Lay, Lady, Lay',
is a song written by Bob Dylan and originally released
in 1969 on his Nashville Skyline album. Like many of the
tracks on the album, Dylan sings the song in a low croon,
rather than in the high nasal singing style associated
with his earlier (and eventually later) recordings."

Of course, the aforementioned gag scenario kept this 62-year-old
from ever investigating him at all, so I'm unfamiliar with any of
the other "low croon" vocalized tracks. Maybe my wife will give me
enough chores reprive one of these days to look/listen into such....
xyz001 at nym.hush.com
2024-02-27 11:37:24 UTC
I admit it, I kind of like "Lay Lady Lay." It's not typical Dylan; it's much better.
2024-02-27 12:26:13 UTC
Take your pick...I think Dylan writes some, steals some, buys some and people give him some of 'his' songs...
2024-02-27 12:32:54 UTC
Post by pamina58
Take your pick...I think Dylan writes some, steals some,
buys some and people give him some of 'his' songs...
Dylan is proof this species doesn't deserve nice things.
xyz001 at nym.hush.com
2024-02-27 13:24:43 UTC
"Bob is not authentic at all. He's a plagiarist, and his name and voice are fake. Everything about Bob is a deception. We are like night and day, he and I." -- Joni Mitchell.

I don't doubt this, but I probably don't know enough old-school folk stuff to confirm it. There have been rumors for decades that Dylan lifted progressions and melodies from Woody Gurthrie.
2024-02-29 11:39:04 UTC
Dylan is shameless, and he gets away with it.

In addition, an insider on r.m.d said that Bob's brother David, whom he met at an event in the Twin Cities, said Bob lost his voice a long time ago, so what we are hearing now is something else. On his current tour he does not improvise any new lyrics as he used to, so it makes you wonder.
2024-03-01 11:36:06 UTC
He's just older, and he was never a good singer. Dylan got lucky in that hippies embraced him as a symbol of their zeitgeist. Musically, Dylan has very little going for him.

The 60s spawned many much more talented folk songwriters: Donovan, Cat Stevens, Gordon Lightfoot.
2024-03-01 12:03:00 UTC
Post by Norbert
He's just older, and he was never a good singer. Dylan got
lucky in that hippies embraced him as a symbol of their
zeitgeist. Musically, Dylan has very little going for him.
Donovan, Cat Stevens, Gordon Lightfoot.
Dylan is a priceless example of mob murmuring - especially insomuch
as said murmuring rises to the level of the "news" media murmuring
along - seemingly "making it so", i.e. making his being some
legendary, incomparable songwriter seem real.
xyz001 at nym.hush.com
2024-02-27 11:32:39 UTC
I think Dylan was trying to goad Lennon. I think Dylan had his own reasons for doing this that have not yet been made clear. And Lennon took the bait. John even stopped listening to Dylan except when George made him do so...

I think everything about Dylan is false...no clothes, indeed...
2024-02-27 12:09:23 UTC
2024-04-12 11:17:25 UTC
If someone was trying to threaten you, would you be 'paranoid' in being wary of them?
2024-03-24 20:38:35 UTC
Post by pamina58
I think there may have been more going on between Dylan and Lennon than meets the eye.
Some of Bob's songs (usually the 'key' songs) have a target. John may have considered himself a target of "Ballad of a Thin Man"...
Of interest...!
2024-03-27 10:41:00 UTC
Odd Dylan connection to the Baltimore Bridge collapse?
It is the "Key" bridge...
Bob played in Baltimore last November 24th...
2024-03-27 22:16:16 UTC
Odd Dylan connection to the Baltimore Bridge collapse? It is the "Key"
Bob played in Baltimore last November 24th...
Shit, where else has he played in the last 12 months ?

Better wear our hard-hats (preferably tinfoil-lined).

2024-03-29 10:36:46 UTC
Another odd coincidence...
the name of the boat is the Dali...
Here is a Salvadore Dali painting about a bridge...
2024-03-29 13:42:02 UTC
Yeah, Dali met Lennon, didn't he?

In the 1950s, Ann Woodward (the one who went on to murder her unfaithful husband Billy) commissioned a painting of herself from Dali. Dali pretended to labor over the work for many months, when in fact he cranked it out effortlessly. Ann Woodward hated the effort, which made her look unattractive, and tried to avoid paying for it; Dali took her to court and won.

The painting is nonetheless amazing, full of fascinating symbolism -- and uncanny in its perceptiveness of Ann's shaky relationship with the Woodwards.
2024-03-31 20:01:11 UTC
John and Yoko met Salvador Dali and his wife Gaya for lunch on March 24, 1969 in Paris...
2024-04-01 14:38:24 UTC
Thanks for the link!

Even though Dali was decades older than Lennon, he still had lots of amazing work ahead of him. John's best work was in his past at this point.
2024-04-12 11:00:29 UTC
With all due respect, why take a jab at John here?
2024-03-29 14:03:44 UTC
Imagine how Dali might have portrayed Yoko? That would have been amazing.
2024-04-09 22:42:09 UTC
Post by pamina58
Another odd coincidence...
the name of the boat is the Dali...
Here is a Salvadore Dali painting about a bridge...
2024-01-26 13:47:21 UTC
Post by super70s
I've always heard the consensus was "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"
was the song most closely associated with Dylan.
Well, dang... don't go ruining it for me - especially being my favorite. :-)

Kidding... I've just long considered Dylan over-rated.
gemlog | gemini://tilde.club/~oldernow | gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/u/oldernow
email | ***@nym.hush.com
Pamela Brown
2024-01-26 18:02:17 UTC
Post by oldernow
Post by super70s
I've always heard the consensus was "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"
was the song most closely associated with Dylan.
Well, dang... don't go ruining it for me - especially being my favorite. :-)
Kidding... I've just long considered Dylan over-rated.
gemlog | gemini://tilde.club/~oldernow | gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/u/oldernow
Dylan is over-rated. But I think there was a competitiveness between them...
2024-01-28 13:59:24 UTC
Post by Pamela Brown
Dylan is over-rated. But I think there was a competitiveness between them...
To me, Dylan mostly helped the species identify a large block of
its tone-deaf members.

Said another way, no matter what a buzzsaw is trying to tell me,
I'm never going to hear it throught the noise and, by extension,
my hands covering my ears to avoid that noise.... :-)
gemlog | gemini://tilde.club/~oldernow | gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/u/oldernow
email | ***@nym.hush.com
Pamela Brown
2024-01-29 11:35:27 UTC
Post by oldernow
Post by Pamela Brown
Dylan is over-rated. But I think there was a competitiveness between them...
To me, Dylan mostly helped the species identify a large block of
its tone-deaf members.
Said another way, no matter what a buzzsaw is trying to tell me,
I'm never going to hear it throught the noise and, by extension,
my hands covering my ears to avoid that noise.... :-)
gemlog | gemini://tilde.club/~oldernow | gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/u/oldernow
I no longer listen to Dylan either...
I think he writes some songs, buys some, steals some and people give him some...
Norbert K
2024-02-04 11:52:12 UTC
Post by oldernow
Post by Pamela Brown
Dylan is over-rated. But I think there was a competitiveness between them...
To me, Dylan mostly helped the species identify a large block of
its tone-deaf members.
Said another way, no matter what a buzzsaw is trying to tell me,
I'm never going to hear it throught the noise and, by extension,
my hands covering my ears to avoid that noise.... :-)
gemlog | gemini://tilde.club/~oldernow | gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/u/oldernow
I thought I was a Dylan fan when I was a young kid. I liked the Desire album (other than the dreary and interminable "Joey"). Of course, he recruited Emmylou Harris for that project, and she -- with her knack for creating beautiful harmony -- can make anyone sound like a million bucks.

Then a live performance by Dylan was broadcast on television. His performance was so sloppy that the songs were unrecognizable. He didn't sing so much as he grunted, mumbled and moaned.

Same with his Grammys performance in the early 90s. It was cringeworthy.

Unless I just happened upon two bad samples, Dylan can't perform live.
Norbert K
2023-11-06 14:40:33 UTC
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.

"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
2023-11-06 17:44:47 UTC
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.
"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
Well yeah, lots of people did Dylan songs better than Dylan did. There were many hit singles that were big hits from other acts doing Dylan songs. Let's face it, Dylan is not a very talented singer or instrumentalist.
Norbert K
2023-11-06 18:37:22 UTC
Post by Bruce
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.
"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
Well yeah, lots of people did Dylan songs better than Dylan did. There were many hit singles that were big hits from other acts doing Dylan songs. Let's face it, Dylan is not a very talented singer or instrumentalist.
I agree. I also think he's an abysmal live performer. I hated his sanctimonious Christian phase. I also think he's a vastly overrated lyricist. Dylan is due for critical reappraisal.

How about Dylan's embarrassing, either drunk or drugged-out appearances at the 1991 Grammy awards?

As you probably know, Lennon wrote "Serve Yourself" in the late 70s in mockery of Dylan's Christian song "You've Got To Serve Somebody." Lennon quipped, "So Dylan wants to be a waiter now?"
Pamela Brown
2023-11-07 13:14:14 UTC
Post by Bruce
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.
"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
Well yeah, lots of people did Dylan songs better than Dylan did. There were many hit singles that were big hits from other acts doing Dylan songs. Let's face it, Dylan is not a very talented singer or instrumentalist.
I agree. I also think he's an abysmal live performer. I hated his sanctimonious Christian phase. I also think he's a vastly overrated lyricist. Dylan is due for critical reappraisal.
How about Dylan's embarrassing, either drunk or drugged-out appearances at the 1991 Grammy awards?
As you probably know, Lennon wrote "Serve Yourself" in the late 70s in mockery of Dylan's Christian song "You've Got To Serve Somebody." Lennon quipped, "So Dylan wants to be a waiter now?"
There is a lot about the interactions of Bob Dylan and John Lennon that is only now becoming evident. I see their rivalry as not ending until John was dead.

You might like my Bob Dylan blog Dylagence...https://dylagence.wordpress.com/
Pamela Brown
2023-11-08 11:40:51 UTC
Post by Bruce
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.
"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
Well yeah, lots of people did Dylan songs better than Dylan did. There were many hit singles that were big hits from other acts doing Dylan songs. Let's face it, Dylan is not a very talented singer or instrumentalist.
I agree. I also think he's an abysmal live performer. I hated his sanctimonious Christian phase. I also think he's a vastly overrated lyricist. Dylan is due for critical reappraisal.
How about Dylan's embarrassing, either drunk or drugged-out appearances at the 1991 Grammy awards?
As you probably know, Lennon wrote "Serve Yourself" in the late 70s in mockery of Dylan's Christian song "You've Got To Serve Somebody." Lennon quipped, "So Dylan wants to be a waiter now?"
There is a lot about the interactions of Bob Dylan and John Lennon that is only now becoming evident. I see their rivalry as not ending until John was dead.
You might like my Bob Dylan blog Dylagence...https://dylagence.wordpress.com/
I think Bob had a hidden agenda when it came to John and the Beatles...Bob knew things John did not, which caused John to stumble...
Norbert K
2024-01-16 17:09:52 UTC
Post by Pamela Brown
Post by Bruce
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.
"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
Well yeah, lots of people did Dylan songs better than Dylan did. There were many hit singles that were big hits from other acts doing Dylan songs. Let's face it, Dylan is not a very talented singer or instrumentalist.
I agree. I also think he's an abysmal live performer. I hated his sanctimonious Christian phase. I also think he's a vastly overrated lyricist. Dylan is due for critical reappraisal.
How about Dylan's embarrassing, either drunk or drugged-out appearances at the 1991 Grammy awards?
As you probably know, Lennon wrote "Serve Yourself" in the late 70s in mockery of Dylan's Christian song "You've Got To Serve Somebody." Lennon quipped, "So Dylan wants to be a waiter now?"
There is a lot about the interactions of Bob Dylan and John Lennon that is only now becoming evident. I see their rivalry as not ending until John was dead.
You might like my Bob Dylan blog Dylagence...https://dylagence.wordpress.com/
I think Bob had a hidden agenda when it came to John and the Beatles...Bob knew things John did not, which caused John to stumble...
And some years later, Dylan tried to warn Lennon that he'd heard Yoko had "bad vibes." I wonder what he knew, and through whom.
Norbert K
2023-11-08 13:34:29 UTC
Post by Bruce
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.
"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
Well yeah, lots of people did Dylan songs better than Dylan did. There were many hit singles that were big hits from other acts doing Dylan songs. Let's face it, Dylan is not a very talented singer or instrumentalist.
I agree. I also think he's an abysmal live performer. I hated his sanctimonious Christian phase. I also think he's a vastly overrated lyricist. Dylan is due for critical reappraisal.
How about Dylan's embarrassing, either drunk or drugged-out appearances at the 1991 Grammy awards?
As you probably know, Lennon wrote "Serve Yourself" in the late 70s in mockery of Dylan's Christian song "You've Got To Serve Somebody." Lennon quipped, "So Dylan wants to be a waiter now?"
There is a lot about the interactions of Bob Dylan and John Lennon that is only now becoming evident. I see their rivalry as not ending until John was dead.
You might like my Bob Dylan blog Dylagence...https://dylagence.wordpress.com/
I like the title!
Pamela Brown
2023-11-10 11:49:54 UTC
Post by Norbert K
Post by Bruce
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.
"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
Well yeah, lots of people did Dylan songs better than Dylan did. There were many hit singles that were big hits from other acts doing Dylan songs. Let's face it, Dylan is not a very talented singer or instrumentalist.
I agree. I also think he's an abysmal live performer. I hated his sanctimonious Christian phase. I also think he's a vastly overrated lyricist. Dylan is due for critical reappraisal.
How about Dylan's embarrassing, either drunk or drugged-out appearances at the 1991 Grammy awards?
As you probably know, Lennon wrote "Serve Yourself" in the late 70s in mockery of Dylan's Christian song "You've Got To Serve Somebody." Lennon quipped, "So Dylan wants to be a waiter now?"
There is a lot about the interactions of Bob Dylan and John Lennon that is only now becoming evident. I see their rivalry as not ending until John was dead.
You might like my Bob Dylan blog Dylagence...https://dylagence.wordpress.com/
I like the title!
Thank you! After trying to piece together all the odd coincidences that seem to occur, it seems appropriate...
Norbert K
2023-11-10 13:01:25 UTC
Post by Norbert K
Post by Bruce
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.
"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
Well yeah, lots of people did Dylan songs better than Dylan did. There were many hit singles that were big hits from other acts doing Dylan songs. Let's face it, Dylan is not a very talented singer or instrumentalist.
I agree. I also think he's an abysmal live performer. I hated his sanctimonious Christian phase. I also think he's a vastly overrated lyricist. Dylan is due for critical reappraisal.
How about Dylan's embarrassing, either drunk or drugged-out appearances at the 1991 Grammy awards?
As you probably know, Lennon wrote "Serve Yourself" in the late 70s in mockery of Dylan's Christian song "You've Got To Serve Somebody." Lennon quipped, "So Dylan wants to be a waiter now?"
There is a lot about the interactions of Bob Dylan and John Lennon that is only now becoming evident. I see their rivalry as not ending until John was dead.
You might like my Bob Dylan blog Dylagence...https://dylagence.wordpress.com/
I like the title!
Thank you! After trying to piece together all the odd coincidences that seem to occur, it seems appropriate...
Was it in fact Dylan who introduced the Beatles to marijuana? There's debate as to whether it was Dylan or Al Aronowitz.
Pamela Brown
2023-11-13 11:58:03 UTC
Post by Norbert K
Post by Bruce
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.
"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
Well yeah, lots of people did Dylan songs better than Dylan did. There were many hit singles that were big hits from other acts doing Dylan songs. Let's face it, Dylan is not a very talented singer or instrumentalist.
I agree. I also think he's an abysmal live performer. I hated his sanctimonious Christian phase. I also think he's a vastly overrated lyricist. Dylan is due for critical reappraisal.
How about Dylan's embarrassing, either drunk or drugged-out appearances at the 1991 Grammy awards?
As you probably know, Lennon wrote "Serve Yourself" in the late 70s in mockery of Dylan's Christian song "You've Got To Serve Somebody." Lennon quipped, "So Dylan wants to be a waiter now?"
There is a lot about the interactions of Bob Dylan and John Lennon that is only now becoming evident. I see their rivalry as not ending until John was dead.
You might like my Bob Dylan blog Dylagence...https://dylagence.wordpress.com/
I like the title!
Thank you! After trying to piece together all the odd coincidences that seem to occur, it seems appropriate...
Was it in fact Dylan who introduced the Beatles to marijuana? There's debate as to whether it was Dylan or Al Aronowitz.
I think the idea that the Beatles had to be 'introduced' to anything is ridiculous. They tried everything, weed included, in Hamburg...and may not have been impressed. I do think Bob may have given them some really good stuff though, and that made an impression...
Norbert K
2023-11-13 21:31:22 UTC
Post by Norbert K
Post by Bruce
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.
"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
Well yeah, lots of people did Dylan songs better than Dylan did. There were many hit singles that were big hits from other acts doing Dylan songs. Let's face it, Dylan is not a very talented singer or instrumentalist.
I agree. I also think he's an abysmal live performer. I hated his sanctimonious Christian phase. I also think he's a vastly overrated lyricist. Dylan is due for critical reappraisal.
How about Dylan's embarrassing, either drunk or drugged-out appearances at the 1991 Grammy awards?
As you probably know, Lennon wrote "Serve Yourself" in the late 70s in mockery of Dylan's Christian song "You've Got To Serve Somebody." Lennon quipped, "So Dylan wants to be a waiter now?"
There is a lot about the interactions of Bob Dylan and John Lennon that is only now becoming evident. I see their rivalry as not ending until John was dead.
You might like my Bob Dylan blog Dylagence...https://dylagence.wordpress.com/
I like the title!
Thank you! After trying to piece together all the odd coincidences that seem to occur, it seems appropriate...
Was it in fact Dylan who introduced the Beatles to marijuana? There's debate as to whether it was Dylan or Al Aronowitz.
I think the idea that the Beatles had to be 'introduced' to anything is ridiculous. They tried everything, weed included, in Hamburg...and may not have been impressed. I do think Bob may have given them some really good stuff though, and that made an impression...
You might be right about them trying weed in Hamburg, but I think it was the experience with Aronowitz and Dylan that they became seriously interested in the drug. Pot wouldn't have been conducive to the type of extended, high-energy performances they were doing in Hamburg, anyway.

There's a sound basis for believing John, George and their women were exposed to LSD for the first time in 1965 -- though that drug had been around since the late 40s.
Pamela Brown
2023-11-14 12:00:03 UTC
Post by Norbert K
Post by Bruce
Post by Bruce
Dylan may have mocked it, but "Norwegian Wood" is the far better song. I remember an interview with JL in which he said that he did some songs in Dylan's style to show that he could do it better.
"Fourth Time Around" sounds to me like a lot of grunting & moaning over a repetitive and uninteresting couple of chords.
Well yeah, lots of people did Dylan songs better than Dylan did. There were many hit singles that were big hits from other acts doing Dylan songs. Let's face it, Dylan is not a very talented singer or instrumentalist.
I agree. I also think he's an abysmal live performer. I hated his sanctimonious Christian phase. I also think he's a vastly overrated lyricist. Dylan is due for critical reappraisal.
How about Dylan's embarrassing, either drunk or drugged-out appearances at the 1991 Grammy awards?
As you probably know, Lennon wrote "Serve Yourself" in the late 70s in mockery of Dylan's Christian song "You've Got To Serve Somebody." Lennon quipped, "So Dylan wants to be a waiter now?"
There is a lot about the interactions of Bob Dylan and John Lennon that is only now becoming evident. I see their rivalry as not ending until John was dead.
You might like my Bob Dylan blog Dylagence...https://dylagence.wordpress.com/
I like the title!
Thank you! After trying to piece together all the odd coincidences that seem to occur, it seems appropriate...
Was it in fact Dylan who introduced the Beatles to marijuana? There's debate as to whether it was Dylan or Al Aronowitz.
I think the idea that the Beatles had to be 'introduced' to anything is ridiculous. They tried everything, weed included, in Hamburg...and may not have been impressed. I do think Bob may have given them some really good stuff though, and that made an impression...
You might be right about them trying weed in Hamburg, but I think it was the experience with Aronowitz and Dylan that they became seriously interested in the drug. Pot wouldn't have been conducive to the type of extended, high-energy performances they were doing in Hamburg, anyway.
There's a sound basis for believing John, George and their women were exposed to LSD for the first time in 1965 -- though that drug had been around since the late 40s.
I agree. They were doing prellies and the like in Hamburg, kept them awake and revved up. Probably not much interested in anything that mellowed them out. I also agree that they most likely had a formal intro to LSD...