Post by BlueshirtPost by oldernowTo me Dylan seems yet another idol of the tone deaf.
I liked that! :-)
Dylan was definitely an acquired taste...
My gag reflex never gave my taste buds sufficient time to experience
the state of acquisition. :-)
That said, I can occasionally swish "Lay Lady Lay". Sorta. :-)
Oh my... went to the Wikipedia entry for that song where I found:
"'Lay Lady Lay', sometimes rendered 'Lay, Lady, Lay',
is a song written by Bob Dylan and originally released
in 1969 on his Nashville Skyline album. Like many of the
tracks on the album, Dylan sings the song in a low croon,
rather than in the high nasal singing style associated
with his earlier (and eventually later) recordings."
Of course, the aforementioned gag scenario kept this 62-year-old
from ever investigating him at all, so I'm unfamiliar with any of
the other "low croon" vocalized tracks. Maybe my wife will give me
enough chores reprive one of these days to look/listen into such....
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