Geezer Butler Recalls Seeing the Beatles in 1965
(too old to reply)
2024-07-03 14:13:04 UTC
On December 9, 1965, I saw the gig of a lifetime: the Beatles at the
Birmingham Odeon. Hundreds of kids queued overnight to secure a spot in
the audience, and many of them were left disappointed. The police had
to put barricades up, to stop them from storming the place. Luckily for
me, the daughter of the Odeon's manager, Beverley, fancied me and gave
me a complementary ticket. It's one of the rarest tickets in pop music
history, because they never toured the UK again.

Of course, it was impossible to hear them, what with all the
screaming going on, but to be in their presence was enough for me. They
were done and dusted in thirty minutes, but that night will forever be
etched in my brain. I mean, look at the songs they played: "I Feel
Fine," "She's a Woman," "If I Needed Someone," "Nowhere Man," "Help,"
"We Can Work It Out," "Yesterday," "Day Tripper." No wonder everyone,
including the blokes, was going hysterical.

-- from Geezer Butler's autobiography, Into the Void
2024-07-07 09:59:52 UTC
Odd, the date...
2024-07-07 14:06:19 UTC
How so?
2024-07-08 09:37:30 UTC
It was December 9 in the UK when John Lennon was killed...
2024-07-08 09:52:10 UTC
That was 15 years later, in a different part of the world. Just a

What's interesting to me is that even a group whose work was so far
afield from that of the Beatles as Black Sabbath had been inspired by
2024-07-08 14:14:28 UTC
Post by Norbert
That was 15 years later, in a different part of the world. Just a
What's interesting to me is that even a group whose work was so far
afield from that of the Beatles as Black Sabbath had been inspired by
Is "Helter Skelter" so far afield from Black Sabbath? Or Led Zeppelin?

"I Am the Walrus" could've inspired ELO and "Got To Get You Into My
Life" could've inspired Chicago/Blood, Sweat & Tears.

There are some other Fabs songs I've thought inspired other bands, it's
a fun game to play.
2024-07-08 10:09:33 UTC
Post by pamina58
It was December 9 in the UK when John Lennon was killed...
It was Dec 10th where I am in the world. So how does that work ?

Chris Schram
2024-07-08 10:27:36 UTC
Post by Geoff
Post by pamina58
It was December 9 in the UK when John Lennon was killed...
It was Dec 10th where I am in the world. So how does that work ?
Is there some perverted "feature" of novabbs that does not allow its users
to briefly "quote" the portion of a post to which they are responding, or
haven't the few users of that platform figured out how to use it yet?

Some of us who use proper Usenet clients would like to be able to follow
the thread of discussions.
***@me.com is an infrequently monitored address. Email may get lost.
Networking: What happens when, for as long as a moment, billions of
things simultaneously fail to go wrong. -- Dan Farkas, 3/3/2007
2024-07-09 06:59:30 UTC
Post by Chris Schram
Post by Geoff
Post by pamina58
It was December 9 in the UK when John Lennon was killed...
It was Dec 10th where I am in the world. So how does that work ?
Is there some perverted "feature" of novabbs that does not allow its users
to briefly "quote" the portion of a post to which they are responding, or
haven't the few users of that platform figured out how to use it yet?
Some of us who use proper Usenet clients would like to be able to follow
the thread of discussions.
Dunno about novaBBS, but most real USENET clients will let you see whole
threads even when read and/or subsequently hidden (unless previously
actually deleted from the client).

But if you can't follow the gist of those two lines that are quoted
after pamina58 trimmed out the excess ....

