Paul is Dead Thing (What's up with this??)
(too old to reply)
2012-02-02 19:16:26 UTC
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles?? They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered.

So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
2012-02-02 19:53:59 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles?? They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered.
So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
Of course they planned it. Album covers, backward masking, etc. The
lads were bored and having some fun. What's a sad case is the people
that insist to this day that Paul did actually die.

Phil Reynolds
2012-02-02 20:03:54 UTC
Post by gemjack
Of course they planned it. Album covers, backward masking, etc. The
lads were bored and having some fun. What's a sad case is the people
that insist to this day that Paul did actually die.
I read an article once that suggested that the clues pointed to Paul
being the only survivor. It's probably still out there somewhere - just
shows what you can get if you take things to extremes.
Phil Reynolds
mail: phil-***@tinsleyviaduct.com
Followups to NEWS please, that's what it's there for.
2012-02-02 20:18:22 UTC
Paul is certainly the same Paul, and a lot of the so- called clues
are in the eye of the beholder...but there are definitely things there
that didn't happen by accident. One that I've never seen mentioned is
in Magical Mystery Tour. There are
5 creepy seconds of the Blue Jay Way sequence where there's a head
projected on a headless body and then the projector goes off and the
head is gone. The body has "magical mystery boy" written across it.
It's set in a bizarre setting that is never in the movie anywhere
else. It's absolutely deliberate! Check it out on youtube if you've
never noticed it.

On Thu, 02 Feb 2012 20:03:54 +0000, Phil Reynolds
Post by Phil Reynolds
Post by gemjack
Of course they planned it. Album covers, backward masking, etc. The
lads were bored and having some fun. What's a sad case is the people
that insist to this day that Paul did actually die.
I read an article once that suggested that the clues pointed to Paul
being the only survivor. It's probably still out there somewhere - just
shows what you can get if you take things to extremes.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-02 20:19:52 UTC
On Thu, 02 Feb 2012 20:03:54 +0000, Phil Reynolds
Post by Phil Reynolds
Post by gemjack
Of course they planned it. Album covers, backward masking, etc. The
lads were bored and having some fun. What's a sad case is the people
that insist to this day that Paul did actually die.
I read an article once that suggested that the clues pointed to Paul
being the only survivor. It's probably still out there somewhere - just
shows what you can get if you take things to extremes.
Off topic, but I was recently surprised to discover that I have
relatives with whom I was very close while growing up who are genuine

Never mind truth getting in the way of distortion and
misrepresentation; their hatred of Obama truly blinds them.
2012-02-02 20:37:37 UTC
On Thu, 02 Feb 2012 12:19:52 -0800, Mack A. Damia
Post by b***@comcast.net
On Thu, 02 Feb 2012 20:03:54 +0000, Phil Reynolds
Post by Phil Reynolds
Post by gemjack
Of course they planned it. Album covers, backward masking, etc. The
lads were bored and having some fun. What's a sad case is the people
that insist to this day that Paul did actually die.
I read an article once that suggested that the clues pointed to Paul
being the only survivor. It's probably still out there somewhere - just
shows what you can get if you take things to extremes.
Off topic, but I was recently surprised to discover that I have
relatives with whom I was very close while growing up who are genuine
Never mind truth getting in the way of distortion and
misrepresentation; their hatred of Obama truly blinds them.
Hate and fear does that.

2012-02-02 21:10:45 UTC
Post by Mack A. Damia
Off topic, but I was recently surprised to discover that I have
relatives with whom I was very close while growing up who are genuine
Congratulations. You are related to thinking people.
I'm sorry none of it rubbed off on you, so you would
be able to determine the truth for yourself.
Life is a bitch, and then you marry one. :|
Post by Mack A. Damia
Never mind truth getting in the way of distortion and
misrepresentation; their hatred of Obama truly blinds them.
You could say the same thing about the blind worship lavished
upon the gifted one for doing nothing except being a community
organizer, and America's first ghey president.

You could have the various facts pertaining to the blatantly
forged long form birth certificate stamped upon their heads like
a cattle brand, and they would still deny reality.

Let's hear you explain how a supposed simple scan of a
document produces an image with more than one level of
resolution. Note how the forged sections of the
signature are of a higher resolution, and have a single
black color, vs the multiple shading you will see in the
scanned background that was used.

Loading Image...

Then, after you ponder that troubling dilemma, let me hear
how you explain why the forged computer pen writing would be
held as image source files all on their own within the PDF file,
and had to be rotated 90 degrees and then re-sized, in order
to be pasted upon the scanned background.

The long form certificate which they released in April 2011
most definitely, without any doubt whatsoever, is a blatant

And I will be more than happy to scientifically bitch slap
anyone who wants to try to debate that it's a legit document.
Warning. They/you *will* lose.
If you think this is likely to cause you great discomfort
and angst, maybe it's best to continue to believe in the Obama
fairy, and ignore all the facts in this troubling case.
2012-02-02 21:18:15 UTC
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Off topic, but I was recently surprised to discover that I have
relatives with whom I was very close while growing up who are genuine
Congratulations. You are related to thinking people.
I'm sorry none of it rubbed off on you, so you would
be able to determine the truth for yourself.
Life is a bitch, and then you marry one. :|
Post by Mack A. Damia
Never mind truth getting in the way of distortion and
misrepresentation; their hatred of Obama truly blinds them.
You could say the same thing about the blind worship lavished
upon the gifted one for doing nothing except being a community
organizer, and America's first ghey president.
You could have the various facts pertaining to the blatantly
forged long form birth certificate stamped upon their heads like
a cattle brand, and they would still deny reality.
Let's hear you explain how a supposed simple scan of a
document produces an image with more than one level of
resolution. Note how the forged sections of the
signature are of a higher resolution, and have a single
black color, vs the multiple shading you will see in the
scanned background that was used.
Then, after you ponder that troubling dilemma, let me hear
how you explain why the forged computer pen writing would be
held as image source files all on their own within the PDF file,
and had to be rotated 90 degrees and then re-sized, in order
to be pasted upon the scanned background.
The long form certificate which they released in April 2011
most definitely, without any doubt whatsoever, is a blatant
And I will be more than happy to scientifically bitch slap
anyone who wants to try to debate that it's a legit document.
Warning. They/you *will* lose.
If you think this is likely to cause you great discomfort
and angst, maybe it's best to continue to believe in the Obama
fairy, and ignore all the facts in this troubling case.
2012-02-02 21:23:49 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I realize that, but with enlightenment on the various rules of
digital imagery, some may be able to see the errors in their
skewed thought processes.
And Paul is not, and has not ever been dead yet.
He's slowly working on it though. Even Beatles are not immortal.
2012-02-03 01:01:01 UTC
Post by NM5K
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I realize that, but with enlightenment on the various rules of
digital imagery, some may be able to see the errors in their
skewed thought processes.
And Paul is not, and has not ever been dead yet.
He's slowly working on it though. Even Beatles are not immortal.
There are, of course, several websites dedicated to this malarkey.
One has a whiole set of animated GIFs showing Paul vs someone they call
"FAUL." I remember how easy it was to debunk one of them by simply taking
the original two images (an early and later Paul) and scaling one of them
exactly 1% larger and re-building the GIF. That file showed how the two
"Pauls" were essentially identical.

The biggest problem with conspiracy theories is that if you don't believe
them, you're automatically judged to be PART of the conspiracy. So I don't
bother saying how stupid they look.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-02 22:28:54 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
Sorry, didn't mean to cause the loonies to creep out of their holes.

They can't even see that the issue has been decided and is closed.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-04 03:43:34 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
Paul is still alive; we all know that, so what's the point of kicking
around an old topic that's been beaten to death? Who's a moron?

You don't think the state of the union is important? You don't have
to read or respond to anything, but I see red when I read how
disrespectful these jerks are to the President of the United States.

You should be angry, too.
Dr. Steerforth
2012-02-07 03:58:36 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay. The thread was ruined for me, too.
And, of course, we can always trust you to fan the dying embers
twenty-four hours after the last post.

The group sends its regards.
2012-02-07 04:43:18 UTC
Post by Dr. Steerforth
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay. The thread was ruined for me, too.
And, of course, we can always trust you to fan the dying embers
twenty-four hours after the last post.
The group sends its regards.
This thread is a dead thread. Miss it miss it miss it...

P-Dub: Turn me on dead thread...
Lisi Peteras
2012-02-13 13:28:50 UTC
Post by Dr. Steerforth
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay. The thread was ruined for me, too.
And, of course, we can always trust you to fan the dying embers
twenty-four hours after the last post.
The group sends its regards.
She is still looking for sympathy.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-02 22:27:09 UTC
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Off topic, but I was recently surprised to discover that I have
relatives with whom I was very close while growing up who are genuine
Congratulations. You are related to thinking people.
I'm sorry none of it rubbed off on you, so you would
be able to determine the truth for yourself.
Life is a bitch, and then you marry one. :|
Post by Mack A. Damia
Never mind truth getting in the way of distortion and
misrepresentation; their hatred of Obama truly blinds them.
You could say the same thing about the blind worship lavished
upon the gifted one for doing nothing except being a community
organizer, and America's first ghey president.
You could have the various facts pertaining to the blatantly
forged long form birth certificate stamped upon their heads like
a cattle brand, and they would still deny reality.
Let's hear you explain how a supposed simple scan of a
document produces an image with more than one level of
resolution. Note how the forged sections of the
signature are of a higher resolution, and have a single
black color, vs the multiple shading you will see in the
scanned background that was used.
Then, after you ponder that troubling dilemma, let me hear
how you explain why the forged computer pen writing would be
held as image source files all on their own within the PDF file,
and had to be rotated 90 degrees and then re-sized, in order
to be pasted upon the scanned background.
The long form certificate which they released in April 2011
most definitely, without any doubt whatsoever, is a blatant
And I will be more than happy to scientifically bitch slap
anyone who wants to try to debate that it's a legit document.
Warning. They/you *will* lose.
If you think this is likely to cause you great discomfort
and angst, maybe it's best to continue to believe in the Obama
fairy, and ignore all the facts in this troubling case.
You're touched in the head, sonny.

If there were any truth to this preposterous story, the mainstraem
media - including Murdoch's empire and the British press - would be
all over it.

Conrtary to what your narrow mind believes, the New York Times and the
mainstream media are not in business to protect Obama and a lie. Obama
was legally elected to the office and is properly qualifed.

Oh, did I show you this? Southern universty, too.


Read it and weep for yourself, dufus.
2012-02-03 01:11:15 UTC
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Off topic, but I was recently surprised to discover that I have
relatives with whom I was very close while growing up who are genuine
Congratulations. You are related to thinking people.
Oh boy! One more for the kill file.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-03 01:35:21 UTC
Post by rwalker
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Off topic, but I was recently surprised to discover that I have
relatives with whom I was very close while growing up who are genuine
Congratulations. You are related to thinking people.
Oh boy! One more for the kill file.
I don't get it. Truly I don't, and I consider myself above average in

They are like little children who have lost the game but now want to
change the rules or in the familiar vernacular, move the goal posts.

I have to wonder if they realize how dull they appear to serious
thought and contemplation? Or is it, "I know we're making this stuff
up, but it's all we can do"?
Lisi Peteras
2012-02-03 12:37:22 UTC
Post by Mack A. Damia
I don't get it. Truly I don't, and I consider myself above average in
That is the single most incredulous statement EVER on this newsgroup.

It is also the most hilarious.

We used to think that Frankie Schoonover was delusional, but you are the
definition of that word. No wonder you tried to befriend him.
Post by Mack A. Damia
I have to wonder if they realize how dull they appear to serious
thought and contemplation?
To you, Family Guy is "serious thought and contemplation:.
2012-02-03 22:08:06 UTC
Post by Mack A. Damia
I don't get it. Truly I don't, and I consider myself above average in
You don't get it because you refuse to study the evidence.
You don't study the evidence because you think you already
know everything.
Post by Mack A. Damia
They are like little children who have lost the game but now want to
change the rules or in the familiar vernacular, move the goal posts.
The goal posts have been in the same position for years.
Why would anyone think they need to be moved?
I never moved them. No reason for me to move them.
Besides, they are too heavy for me to mess with..
Post by Mack A. Damia
I have to wonder if they realize how dull they appear to serious
thought and contemplation? Or is it, "I know we're making this stuff
up, but it's all we can do"?
I realize many will think I'm dull every time I bring up this
subject. But I know the truth, and I refuse to act like the
overwhelming scientific evidence does not exist.
In other words, unlike you, I actually have a pair.

I show my evidence for all to see and be able to check out
for themselves. But most of you lazy dumbasses are either
too stupid to understand the evidence, or already have your
minds made up, due to having your heads stuck so far up
the gifted ones ass, that all light is totally extinguished.

I'm not making any of it up, and I know computer graphics
well enough to be able to distinguish a diamond from an
obvious turd.

You think you are so smart, but you seem unable to use even
the smallest amount of scientific evidence to refute anything
I say. Just like all the other crap for brains idiots that
have walked before you.

If I'm wrong, why is it that not a single one of you silly
bastards can refute even the smallest part of what I say, using
scientific computer graphic evidence? None of you will even try.

I have not made up *anything*. I'm just pointing out glaring
problems in the PDF file which the gifted one himself released
last April. I've been doing computer graphics work since the
early 1990's. How long have you been at it?

Obviously, not too long it would appear, or you would know
that it is *impossible* for a simple scan of a document to
show multiple resolutions.
Let's try this again slowly so you might be able to absorb this
info into your lower functioning brain pan.



You can tell the document is a forgery just by looking at the
final results with ones eyes.
Any examiner of questionable documents would pronounce it a
forgery just on sight alone.
And many already have. I'm not all alone in my thinking you know.
I have company, including one of the premier writers of Adobe books
and manuals.

Did you actually ***look*** at that clusterfuck they tried to
pawn off as his mothers signature? It's so lame it makes me laugh
every time I see it.

But not only is it impossible for a simple scanned document
to show multiple resolutions, the person that made this
document was so inept, that they forgot to "flatten" the
document before releasing it, and left all of their editing
stages, including all the original source graphic files within
the PDF file.

Yes, that is correct. Every small piece of forged content
sits all alone, by themselves, in a source folder within
that PDF file.

Of course, it is also possible they left the evidence intact
on purpose. Maybe they did not agree with the gifted one
forging such an important document. Who knows. All I know
for sure is that it's a blatant forgery.

So not only is it glaringly obvious that the last part of
his mothers signature was forged using a computer pen with
a higher resolution than the scanned document they used as a
"base", the idiots actually left the forged piece of handwriting
in the PDF file for all to see, study, and marvel at.

In order to use that forged computer pen writing, they had
to rotate it 90 degrees, and re-size it to fit the document.
This proves that the forged computer pen writing was no
glitch or accident. It was ***intentional*** forgery.

And this is just one out of the many examples of forgery within
that document.

You think you are above average in intelligence? What do
you consider average? An IQ of 82? 117? 139?
I've been tested and clocked at 168. And my brain pan
has absorbed a lot more data since I took those tests
many a moon ago.
I can smell a graphic turd for miles and miles and miles.
And I've been smelling one since April 2011.
The aroma is quite disgusting.

Now, lean forward and choke yourself.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-03 22:38:20 UTC
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
I don't get it. Truly I don't, and I consider myself above average in
You don't get it because you refuse to study the evidence.
You don't study the evidence because you think you already
know everything.
Post by Mack A. Damia
They are like little children who have lost the game but now want to
change the rules or in the familiar vernacular, move the goal posts.
The goal posts have been in the same position for years.
Why would anyone think they need to be moved?
I never moved them. No reason for me to move them.
Besides, they are too heavy for me to mess with..
Post by Mack A. Damia
I have to wonder if they realize how dull they appear to serious
thought and contemplation? Or is it, "I know we're making this stuff
up, but it's all we can do"?
I realize many will think I'm dull every time I bring up this
subject. But I know the truth, and I refuse to act like the
overwhelming scientific evidence does not exist.
In other words, unlike you, I actually have a pair.
I show my evidence for all to see and be able to check out
for themselves. But most of you lazy dumbasses are either
too stupid to understand the evidence, or already have your
minds made up, due to having your heads stuck so far up
the gifted ones ass, that all light is totally extinguished.
I'm not making any of it up, and I know computer graphics
well enough to be able to distinguish a diamond from an
obvious turd.
You think you are so smart, but you seem unable to use even
the smallest amount of scientific evidence to refute anything
I say. Just like all the other crap for brains idiots that
have walked before you.
If I'm wrong, why is it that not a single one of you silly
bastards can refute even the smallest part of what I say, using
scientific computer graphic evidence? None of you will even try.
I have not made up *anything*. I'm just pointing out glaring
problems in the PDF file which the gifted one himself released
last April. I've been doing computer graphics work since the
early 1990's. How long have you been at it?
Obviously, not too long it would appear, or you would know
that it is *impossible* for a simple scan of a document to
show multiple resolutions.
Let's try this again slowly so you might be able to absorb this
info into your lower functioning brain pan.
You can tell the document is a forgery just by looking at the
final results with ones eyes.
Any examiner of questionable documents would pronounce it a
forgery just on sight alone.
And many already have. I'm not all alone in my thinking you know.
I have company, including one of the premier writers of Adobe books
and manuals.
Did you actually ***look*** at that clusterfuck they tried to
pawn off as his mothers signature? It's so lame it makes me laugh
every time I see it.
But not only is it impossible for a simple scanned document
to show multiple resolutions, the person that made this
document was so inept, that they forgot to "flatten" the
document before releasing it, and left all of their editing
stages, including all the original source graphic files within
the PDF file.
Yes, that is correct. Every small piece of forged content
sits all alone, by themselves, in a source folder within
that PDF file.
Of course, it is also possible they left the evidence intact
on purpose. Maybe they did not agree with the gifted one
forging such an important document. Who knows. All I know
for sure is that it's a blatant forgery.
So not only is it glaringly obvious that the last part of
his mothers signature was forged using a computer pen with
a higher resolution than the scanned document they used as a
"base", the idiots actually left the forged piece of handwriting
in the PDF file for all to see, study, and marvel at.
In order to use that forged computer pen writing, they had
to rotate it 90 degrees, and re-size it to fit the document.
This proves that the forged computer pen writing was no
glitch or accident. It was ***intentional*** forgery.
And this is just one out of the many examples of forgery within
that document.
You think you are above average in intelligence? What do
you consider average? An IQ of 82? 117? 139?
I've been tested and clocked at 168. And my brain pan
has absorbed a lot more data since I took those tests
many a moon ago.
I can smell a graphic turd for miles and miles and miles.
And I've been smelling one since April 2011.
The aroma is quite disgusting.
Now, lean forward and choke yourself.
Forgery? How long has it been since your lobotomy?

Listen, bub. The New York Times, The Christian Science Monitor and
the mass media are not in business to protect Obama and a lie. If the
things you said were true, the mainstream media would be all over your
"proof". Rupert Murdoch and his conservative empire would crucify the
evidence that you claim is bogus.

In your case, more is less. All you can do (to use O Really's term)
is bloviate and muddy the waters with meaningless drivel.

It's as Don Imus calls Gingrich - "Fat Skunk Vomit".

You're trying to sell skunk vomit, bub.

All you can do is keep moving the goalposts, and that is readily
apparent to any thinking person.

Show me some proof, boy. I said show me some proof.
2012-02-03 22:56:45 UTC
Post by Mack A. Damia
Show me some proof, boy. I said show me some proof.
I rest my case. You are obviously brain dead, and too
crap for brains stupid to understand anything I would say.
It must be hell to go through life knowing that your
relatives have such a huge leg up on you, mentally.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-03 23:06:57 UTC
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Show me some proof, boy. I said show me some proof.
I rest my case. You are obviously brain dead, and too
crap for brains stupid to understand anything I would say.
It must be hell to go through life knowing that your
relatives have such a huge leg up on you, mentally.
Show us your stuff, idiot. Attack the messenger. Never mind about
addressing the issues.

That's all you can do.

Proof, boy, proof.

Skung vomit does not qualify.
2012-02-03 23:46:58 UTC
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Show me some proof, boy. I said show me some proof.
I rest my case. You are obviously brain dead, and too
crap for brains stupid to understand anything I would say.
It must be hell to go through life knowing that your
relatives have such a huge leg up on you, mentally.
Show us your stuff, idiot. Attack the messenger. Never mind about
addressing the issues.
That's all you can do.
Proof, boy, proof.
Skung vomit does not qualify.
Prime example for all to see. I've already stated issues,
which are already *PROOF* that the PDF is an altered Frankenstein
forgery made up of "parts" held within the PDF file.

Just the raw scientific fact that you can NEVER have
multiple resolutions within a simple scan of a document
is viable *PROOF* that the PDF file document is an altered forgery.
Scanned multi shaded handwriting does not instantly change mid
signature to single color computer pen handwriting of a higher
resolution. Not on this planet, Mars, Jupiter, or any others.

If that document were legit, the whole scan would show the same
"higher" resolution, not just the computer pen writing.

Just that one issue alone is *PROOF* that the document is a forgery.
Of course, if one is brain dead, like you are, the chances being able
to comprehend this evidence and come to a viable conclusion as to
authenticity or fraud, will be slim as the gifted one's stunted pencil

And that the image source files held within the document, and also the
shown editing steps themselves, are further *PROOF* that the forgery
was intentional, and not some glitch, or quirk of nature.

He refuses to debate the scientific issues, but instead
wants to play his little games. Like all the others I've run across..
Every single one of you are my own personal bitches, whom I totally
own with a clear title filed and notarized at the courthouse.

*I* am the messenger, and he is attacking the messenger, and
calling him a "boy", rather than debate the real issues.

I've got your "boy" hanging, you twinkle toed little worm.
And don't you forget it.
Now lean forward and choke yourself.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-04 00:34:27 UTC
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Show me some proof, boy. I said show me some proof.
I rest my case. You are obviously brain dead, and too
crap for brains stupid to understand anything I would say.
It must be hell to go through life knowing that your
relatives have such a huge leg up on you, mentally.
Show us your stuff, idiot. Attack the messenger. Never mind about
addressing the issues.
That's all you can do.
Proof, boy, proof.
Skung vomit does not qualify.
Prime example for all to see. I've already stated issues,
which are already *PROOF* that the PDF is an altered Frankenstein
forgery made up of "parts" held within the PDF file.
Just the raw scientific fact that you can NEVER have
multiple resolutions within a simple scan of a document
is viable *PROOF* that the PDF file document is an altered forgery.
Scanned multi shaded handwriting does not instantly change mid
signature to single color computer pen handwriting of a higher
resolution. Not on this planet, Mars, Jupiter, or any others.
If that document were legit, the whole scan would show the same
"higher" resolution, not just the computer pen writing.
Just that one issue alone is *PROOF* that the document is a forgery.
Of course, if one is brain dead, like you are, the chances being able
to comprehend this evidence and come to a viable conclusion as to
authenticity or fraud, will be slim as the gifted one's stunted pencil
And that the image source files held within the document, and also the
shown editing steps themselves, are further *PROOF* that the forgery
was intentional, and not some glitch, or quirk of nature.
He refuses to debate the scientific issues, but instead
wants to play his little games. Like all the others I've run across..
Every single one of you are my own personal bitches, whom I totally
own with a clear title filed and notarized at the courthouse.
*I* am the messenger, and he is attacking the messenger, and
calling him a "boy", rather than debate the real issues.
I've got your "boy" hanging, you twinkle toed little worm.
And don't you forget it.
Now lean forward and choke yourself.
Don't you think that if any of the skunk vomit you offered as proof
were valid, it would be all over the news? There isn't a universal
conspiracy to keep an imposter in the White House - as much as you and
your fellow brain-dead rednecks would like to believe.

I read one claim of forgery from a so-called professor of history who
said that Obama's long-form birth certificate mentioned his father
being born in "Kenya" and that Kenya wasn't a country when Obama was
born (1961). In fact, Kenya has been around for hundreds of years. I
had idiots like you telling me that this is proof of the "forgery".

How do you know the things you claim are proof? How do you know, boy?

You're blind to your own hubris, bubba. You simply have your head up
your arse.

Breathe deeply, bubba.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-04 01:10:42 UTC
Just skunk vomit
One of the most respected organizations in the world:


(And this is the short certificate, too, posted in 2008)

But "YOU" know they are lying, don't you, boy?

Here's the full story from Snopes.com who don't pull any punches:


But "YOU" know they are lying, don't you, boy?

Do the world a favor and disappear. Please.
2012-02-04 11:17:50 UTC
Post by NM5K
Just the raw scientific fact that you can NEVER have
multiple resolutions within a simple scan of a document
is viable *PROOF* that the PDF file document is an altered forgery.
Is it actually proof of a forgery?

I don't know the system well, but is this not just proof that the
document was not single-scanned.

The information contained in the finished product may still be
accurate and genuine, correct?

To prove a forgery, you require some other evidence that shows the
scanned information is untrue.
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2012-02-08 03:47:18 UTC
Post by gemjack
Post by b***@comcast.net
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles?? They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered.
So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
Of course they planned it. Album covers, backward masking, etc. The
lads were bored and having some fun. What's a sad case is the people
that insist to this day that Paul did actually die.
What surprises me it that there are still people around who believe that
the Beatles actually planted clues *intentionally*. Especially the
"back-masking" stuff.
2012-02-08 20:38:40 UTC
Post by brilton
What surprises me it that there are still people around who believe that
the Beatles actually planted clues *intentionally*. Especially the
"back-masking" stuff.
Stupid people will believe anything.

Obama is a Muslim, Paul is Dead, The grassy knoll, chemtrails, the Easter
Bunny, Santa Claus, etc.

If you don't beleive in their conspiracy you're part of it.
2012-02-08 21:08:03 UTC
Post by Edvado
Post by brilton
What surprises me it that there are still people around who believe that
the Beatles actually planted clues *intentionally*. Especially the
"back-masking" stuff.
Stupid people will believe anything.
Obama is a Muslim, Paul is Dead, The grassy knoll, chemtrails, the Easter
Bunny, Santa Claus, etc.
If you don't beleive in their conspiracy you're part of it.
Santa Claus isn't a conspiracy, he's a myth.
2012-02-08 23:36:39 UTC
Post by marcus
Post by Edvado
Post by brilton
What surprises me it that there are still people around who believe that
the Beatles actually planted clues *intentionally*. Especially the
"back-masking" stuff.
Stupid people will believe anything.
Obama is a Muslim, Paul is Dead, The grassy knoll, chemtrails, the Easter
Bunny, Santa Claus, etc.
If you don't beleive in their conspiracy you're part of it.
Santa Claus isn't a conspiracy, he's a myth.
And his wife is a mythhis....
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-08 23:45:10 UTC
On Wed, 08 Feb 2012 18:36:39 -0500, Tralfaz
Post by Tralfaz
Post by marcus
Post by Edvado
Post by brilton
What surprises me it that there are still people around who believe that
the Beatles actually planted clues *intentionally*. Especially the
"back-masking" stuff.
Stupid people will believe anything.
Obama is a Muslim, Paul is Dead, The grassy knoll, chemtrails, the Easter
Bunny, Santa Claus, etc.
If you don't beleive in their conspiracy you're part of it.
Santa Claus isn't a conspiracy, he's a myth.
And his wife is a mythhis....
Yes, Marcus and Tralfaz, there IS a Santa Claus.

He's a spirit, and he really does exist.

You ever read or see O Henry's "The Gift of the Magi"?
2012-02-09 00:06:54 UTC
Post by Tralfaz
Post by marcus
Post by Edvado
Post by brilton
What surprises me it that there are still people around who believe that
the Beatles actually planted clues *intentionally*. Especially the
"back-masking" stuff.
Stupid people will believe anything.
Obama is a Muslim, Paul is Dead, The grassy knoll, chemtrails, the Easter
Bunny, Santa Claus, etc.
If you don't beleive in their conspiracy you're part of it.
Santa Claus isn't a conspiracy, he's a myth.
And his wife is a mythhis....
Very good. No mythstake about it.
Scammed Public
2012-02-03 14:06:38 UTC
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by rwalker
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Off topic, but I was recently surprised to discover that I have
relatives with whom I was very close while growing up who are
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by rwalker
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Congratulations. You are related to thinking people.
Oh boy! One more for the kill file.
I don't get it. Truly I don't, and I consider myself above average in
Your posts prove otherwise. In fact most of us consider you mentally
deficient. Your bloviations of copious methane are mere coverups for
your appalling lack of intelligence.
Post by Mack A. Damia
They are like little children who have lost the game but now want to
change the rules or in the familiar vernacular, move the goal posts.
In adult vernacular, you are two short planks.
Post by Mack A. Damia
I have to wonder if they realize how dull they appear to serious
thought and contemplation?
What would you know about that? Based on your posting history, you
could not have a serious conversation with Snoopy. In fact your
posting history indicates you are more comfortable discussing
philosophy with Hitler.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-03 17:59:07 UTC
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by rwalker
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Off topic, but I was recently surprised to discover that I have
relatives with whom I was very close while growing up who are
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by rwalker
Post by NM5K
Post by Mack A. Damia
Congratulations. You are related to thinking people.
Oh boy! One more for the kill file.
I don't get it. Truly I don't, and I consider myself above average in
Your posts prove otherwise. In fact most of us consider you mentally
deficient. Your bloviations of copious methane are mere coverups for
your appalling lack of intelligence.
You're speaking from an annonymous remailer. When "us" makes a
comment to which I can reply, I will do so. I'll match your wits word
for word, you sorry yellow-bellied, sack of chicken shit. You know
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by Mack A. Damia
They are like little children who have lost the game but now want to
change the rules or in the familiar vernacular, move the goal posts.
In adult vernacular, you are two short planks.
Post by Mack A. Damia
I have to wonder if they realize how dull they appear to serious
thought and contemplation?
What would you know about that? Based on your posting history, you
could not have a serious conversation with Snoopy. In fact your
posting history indicates you are more comfortable discussing
philosophy with Hitler.
Methinks you may be a regular here who has a split personality. One is
an idiot, and the other is an idiot-troll.

Bugger off, little man, unless you want to have a serious
conversation. Why don't you come out from behind your momma's apron
and show us who you are?
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-03 20:45:00 UTC
In fact your posting history indicates you are more comfortable discussing
philosophy with Hitler.
Okay, dufus, I'll start off.

Hitler said that you couldn't understand National Socialism without
understanding the music of Richard Wagner.

Listen to this - especially starting at about the 8 minute mark until
the end.

Why do you think Hitler said what he did, and why is this piece of
music so relevant?

Come on, dufus, show us your brilliant mind.

2012-02-03 20:15:12 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles?? They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered.
So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
When I was 9 years old in 1969, my cousin Robert showed me about the
'Paul is Dead' clues. It actually scared me (I can admit this now.)
After that, I became obsessed with this. I started playing all their
albums backward, scrutinizing album covers, and even and playing albums
of other artists backward as well (I still remember Ray Charles' 'Hit
the Road Jack' backward, which sounded pretty cool..)

Anyway - I think it was deliberate. But some of the clues are definitely
coincidences. I think they did this. I'm not sure why they did it, but I
know they had fun doing it.

SO - for the rest of this thread - and for fun - let's list all the PAUL
IS DEAD clues you can think of... (These 10 are all from memory. I did
not look this up. Please add more...)

1. 'Turn me On Dead Man' - Playing 'Revolution 9' backward. Coincidence?

2. 'O Why We Cry' - Reverse cover of Sgt Pepper - you can trace this
message on the pictures of the Beatles. Coincidence? Possibly.

3. 'He v Die' - Cover of Sgt Pepper - You can see this if you place a
knife through the lettering of the Sgt pepper kick drum words 'LONELY
HEARTS'. And the arrow seems to point to Paul. Got to be a coincidence.

4. Grave with left handed guitar - Cover of Sgt Pepper - deliberate.

5. 'Miss Him Miss Him' - Gibberish at end of song 'I'm So Tired'.
Questionable. But some say, if you play it backward, it says 'Paul is a
Dead Man. Miss Him Miss Him'. Hmmmmmm.....

6. 'I Buried Paul' - end of song 'Strawberry Fields Forever'. John
Lennon insisted that this really says 'Cranberry Sauce'. Hmmmmm....

7. 'Heres another clue for you all. The Walrus Was Paul' - from 'Glass
Onion'. This doesn't make any sense, but it's proof that the Beatles
were playing along with this charade. By the way - if you look at the
pictures on the Magical Mystery Tour album, you will see the Beatles
wearing the animal outfits at one point without the masks. John was the
Walrus after all.

8. Black carnation - from 'Magical Mystery Tour' photos. The others are
wearing red carnations, but Paul's is black - a color associated with
death. Hmmmmm.....

9. '3 Beatles' - from the cover of Abbey Road. If you trace the dots
next to the word Beatles, it forms a 3. Possibly intentional.

10. '28 IF' - from Abbey Road cover - license plate. I don't think this
one is a coincidence. It means '28 if Paul was alive'.

P-Dub: I saw the photograph. He blew his mind out in a car....
2012-02-04 03:15:21 UTC
thank you for taking the original topic back from the idiots.

the other clues are as I mentioned....

That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles?? They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered and
There are
5 creepy seconds of the Blue Jay Way sequence where there's a head
projected on a headless body and then the projector goes off and the
head is gone. The body has "magical mystery boy" written across it.
It's set in a bizarre setting that is never in the movie anywhere
else. It's absolutely deliberate! Check it out on youtube if you've
never noticed it.

Post by P-Dub
Post by b***@comcast.net
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
When I was 9 years old in 1969, my cousin Robert showed me about the
'Paul is Dead' clues. It actually scared me (I can admit this now.)
After that, I became obsessed with this. I started playing all their
albums backward, scrutinizing album covers, and even and playing albums
of other artists backward as well (I still remember Ray Charles' 'Hit
the Road Jack' backward, which sounded pretty cool..)
Anyway - I think it was deliberate. But some of the clues are definitely
coincidences. I think they did this. I'm not sure why they did it, but I
know they had fun doing it.
SO - for the rest of this thread - and for fun - let's list all the PAUL
IS DEAD clues you can think of... (These 10 are all from memory. I did
not look this up. Please add more...)
1. 'Turn me On Dead Man' - Playing 'Revolution 9' backward. Coincidence?
2. 'O Why We Cry' - Reverse cover of Sgt Pepper - you can trace this
message on the pictures of the Beatles. Coincidence? Possibly.
3. 'He v Die' - Cover of Sgt Pepper - You can see this if you place a
knife through the lettering of the Sgt pepper kick drum words 'LONELY
HEARTS'. And the arrow seems to point to Paul. Got to be a coincidence.
4. Grave with left handed guitar - Cover of Sgt Pepper - deliberate.
5. 'Miss Him Miss Him' - Gibberish at end of song 'I'm So Tired'.
Questionable. But some say, if you play it backward, it says 'Paul is a
Dead Man. Miss Him Miss Him'. Hmmmmmm.....
6. 'I Buried Paul' - end of song 'Strawberry Fields Forever'. John
Lennon insisted that this really says 'Cranberry Sauce'. Hmmmmm....
7. 'Heres another clue for you all. The Walrus Was Paul' - from 'Glass
Onion'. This doesn't make any sense, but it's proof that the Beatles
were playing along with this charade. By the way - if you look at the
pictures on the Magical Mystery Tour album, you will see the Beatles
wearing the animal outfits at one point without the masks. John was the
Walrus after all.
8. Black carnation - from 'Magical Mystery Tour' photos. The others are
wearing red carnations, but Paul's is black - a color associated with
death. Hmmmmm.....
9. '3 Beatles' - from the cover of Abbey Road. If you trace the dots
next to the word Beatles, it forms a 3. Possibly intentional.
10. '28 IF' - from Abbey Road cover - license plate. I don't think this
one is a coincidence. It means '28 if Paul was alive'.
P-Dub: I saw the photograph. He blew his mind out in a car....
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-04 03:28:11 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
thank you for taking the original topic back from the idiots.
You're a big boy now. You can ignore sub-threads if you want to.

Your mommy says it's okay to do that. See, this is Usenet, and people
can write or ignore what they want to.

2012-02-04 17:56:29 UTC
do you have any "real" friends to tell this shit to???

On Fri, 03 Feb 2012 19:28:11 -0800, Mack A. Damia
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by b***@comcast.net
thank you for taking the original topic back from the idiots.
You're a big boy now. You can ignore sub-threads if you want to.
Your mommy says it's okay to do that. See, this is Usenet, and people
can write or ignore what they want to.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-04 19:19:32 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
do you have any "real" friends to tell this shit to???
A friend is a friend is a friend is a friend.

What have I ever done to you except respond to your insults?

2012-02-04 14:14:29 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
thank you for taking the original topic back from the idiots.
the other clues are as I mentioned....
That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles?? They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
What do four artist's impressions of The Beatles' faces (and any
alterations that may have ocurred in transit) have anything to do with
2012-02-04 15:39:02 UTC
Post by Edvado
Post by b***@comcast.net
thank you for taking the original topic back from the idiots.
the other clues are as I mentioned....
That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles?? They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
What do four artist's impressions of The Beatles' faces (and any
alterations that may have ocurred in transit) have anything to do with
I just keep getting a mental image of Neil Aspinall sneaking into the
back of the Madame Tussauds lorry, dressed in a cloth cap and a brown
overcoat, and hurriedly manipulating the facial features of the wax
Beatles. ("Remember Neil, you just gotta rub the wax long enough for it
to melt and, sort of, you know, pull the mouths down a bit to make 'em
look sadder")
2012-02-04 18:00:08 UTC
good image....thanks for keeping to the topic!!
Post by brilton
Post by Edvado
Post by b***@comcast.net
thank you for taking the original topic back from the idiots.
the other clues are as I mentioned....
That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles?? They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
What do four artist's impressions of The Beatles' faces (and any
alterations that may have ocurred in transit) have anything to do with
I just keep getting a mental image of Neil Aspinall sneaking into the
back of the Madame Tussauds lorry, dressed in a cloth cap and a brown
overcoat, and hurriedly manipulating the facial features of the wax
Beatles. ("Remember Neil, you just gotta rub the wax long enough for it
to melt and, sort of, you know, pull the mouths down a bit to make 'em
look sadder")
2012-02-04 19:29:49 UTC
Post by brilton
I just keep getting a mental image of Neil Aspinall sneaking into the
back of the Madame Tussauds lorry, dressed in a cloth cap and a brown
overcoat, and hurriedly manipulating the facial features of the wax
Beatles. ("Remember Neil, you just gotta rub the wax long enough for it
to melt and, sort of, you know, pull the mouths down a bit to make 'em
look sadder")
More importantly, even if NOBODY messed with the faces, it still has NO
bearing on whether or not Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash. The
Beatles look either "sad" or "tired" on the cover of "Rubber Soul" but it
doesn't mean they were in mourning, or anything else. That's just how they
looked in that one shot. Who knows what was going through the mind (or
minds) of the sculptor(s) working on the wax faces for those four
mannequins? It simply has NO bearing on the truth or fiction of the "Paul
is daed" stories.

And please - Stop thanking people for staying on-topic. that simply
acknowledges the blue meanies - and nobody really cares about them anymore.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-04 19:42:01 UTC
Post by Edvado
Post by brilton
I just keep getting a mental image of Neil Aspinall sneaking into the
back of the Madame Tussauds lorry, dressed in a cloth cap and a brown
overcoat, and hurriedly manipulating the facial features of the wax
Beatles. ("Remember Neil, you just gotta rub the wax long enough for it
to melt and, sort of, you know, pull the mouths down a bit to make 'em
look sadder")
More importantly, even if NOBODY messed with the faces, it still has NO
bearing on whether or not Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash. The
Beatles look either "sad" or "tired" on the cover of "Rubber Soul" but it
doesn't mean they were in mourning, or anything else. That's just how they
looked in that one shot. Who knows what was going through the mind (or
minds) of the sculptor(s) working on the wax faces for those four
mannequins? It simply has NO bearing on the truth or fiction of the "Paul
is daed" stories.
And please - Stop thanking people for staying on-topic. that simply
acknowledges the blue meanies - and nobody really cares about them anymore.
Have you asked everybody?

You must have been busy last night. Something like a sleigh and


Speaking of which, how's your momma?
2012-02-04 23:28:52 UTC
To All Fellow Believers In Change

I want to say a very joyful Thanks to everyone in here for all the
encouragement and support that all of you gave to me when I was
feeling like the world had ended when somebody told me a heartbreaking
thing about that I would never be able to change from Homosexuality to
Heterosexuality no matter what I did to accomplish this. I want to say
Thanks to all of you who gave me words of encouragement and support
both in the group and through personal e-mail. Thanks again to all of
you. The support, encouragement and love that I had received was
overwhelming and it does make me feel good that I am not alone, but at
times, since there really is no groups that I can go to in my hometown
regarding overcoming Homosexuality, I do feel alone. Again, Thanks to
all of you.

There are some things that I do need to share again in regards to my
struggles with Homosexuality/SSA and the way that I have been feeling
as of late. I had yet another chance encounter with that individual
and though I did share a little bit more about myself with him, he
still refused to change his opinions. Don't get me wrong, I know that
only WE can change ourselves and that even includes opinions about
certain things. I also know that WE can not change somebody else nor
the rest of the world. The only people that WE can change are
ourselves and ourselves alone.I guess that we just have to leave the
world alone and work only on ourselves and only ourselves.

I so desperately want to change and I am really serious about that. I
am sick and tired of finding men more sexually attractive rather than
women. I am sick of it and I really hate it that I do find men more
sexually attractive. I also hate the sinful behavior associated with
Homosexuality as God hates it as well. I am trying to live a clean
life without tarnishing it by willfully sinning and giving into the
immoral desires of the so called "Homosexual/Gay" lifestyle and
agenda. With what I know about Homosexuality and it's root causes, why
would I or even should I return to that immoral lifestyle. That would
be like "the dog returning to it's own vomit" (Proverbs 26:11) or "The
Sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud" (2nd Peter
2:22) and that is something that I don't want to do as I know that
having sinful sexual relations with other men will never ever give me
what I really want, which is affirmation of my gender identity and the
feelings of authenticity that go along with that affirmation of my
gender identity. It is just that having sinful sexual relations with
other men will only reinforce the identity of "Homosexual/Gay" and not
give me the real fulfillment that I really need and want.

I did share with that former acquaintance of mine other abuse that I
suffered and endured. Aside from the physical and emotional abuse that
I suffered and endured at the hands of my father and all the sexual
abuse that I suffered and endured at the hands of other males, I also
witnessed domestic violence as well. No, it wasn't my mother and
father. It was my sister who was the victim of a boyfriend that she
had for a while in the late 1970's/early 1980's. I was a witness to
many of those beatings that she suffered and endured and at one time,
when I tried to help her, he simply and literally lifted me up and
threw me against the wall and told me to stay out of it and even
called me a lot of obscene names. I was also the victim of his wrath
many times as he also assaulted me and verbally emasculated me many
times. The only unfortunate thing is that he was the father of my
niece as he deliberately got my sister pregnant at a very young age in
hopes that my mother would let him marry her, but my mom stated
repeatedly that she would never let him marry up with her as she
couldn't stand the sight of him nor did she even approve of him. He
also was a drug abuser who abused many illegal drugs and was
constantly drinking large amounts of alcohol. I went from one violent
situation with my father to another violent situation with this guy.
That was my life growing up. It just made me angrier and angrier each
time as I was angry with the rest of the world as I was angry with my
father for what he did to me as it all really scarred me emotionally.
All of that abuse and neglect messed me up emotionally and I wound up
in special education classes as a result of all those problems that I
had that I am still trying to recover and overcome. I am still in
therapy and I am taking psychiatric medication for my mental disorder,
which is bipolar depression with schizophrenic tendencies that I
possibly wound up with as a result of all the abuse of my father, that
violent guy who was my sister's boyfriend, the sexual abuse that I
suffered and endured at the hands of other members of my own gender
who used me for their own pleasure and the way that a religious cult
taught me and even tried to scare me with tactics that had no root in
scripture nor anything that had to do with God and his son Jesus
Christ. They really weren't a very loving people like they claimed
that they were. I learned that the hard way.

I also told him that the only thing that I accept and embrace about
myself is that I am a male and that I am a member of the male sex. I
also said that this was the only thing that I was accepting and
embracing about myself and that is all that I am accepting and
embracing. I will never embrace nor accept the "Homosexual/Gay"
identity as it is not what I am nor who I am. I am a man. I am
a human being and a human male and that is all that I am as far as
identity goes. Male is my true identity and that is the only identity
that I am and nothing more.

Okay, now to that other chance encounter

He said that while he had no intention of trying to lure me back into
the life, he still stuck to his opinion that it was a waste of time to
change what I intrinsically am. He still stuck to his guns regarding
Homosexuality and I knew that he had no intention of changing those
opinions that he has. He said at the same time that the abuse that I
suffered and endured should not have happened to me and that he wished
that it didn't happen to me, but at the same time, I felt that he
failed to suss that this was all that made me attain the Homosexual
desires that I am struggling with and that I am still trying to
overcome. The obstacles are against me, but I am not going to let them
stop me. I am going to continue to work where I won't let Satan the
devil have what he wants. I think that Satan is using him and others
like him to try to lure me back into that immoral and sinful lifestyle
where the only thing that anyone active in that life has to look
forward to is a future of never ending sexual promoscuity where they
will never ever find the "right man" as God never intended for this to
be as he made man and woman. I know that I have to remain strong in my
road to overcoming Homosexuality and I must resist any temptation to
act out. He also told me that in time, I would understand what he was
trying to say to me in regards to this as he also said again that what
those who believe that it can be changed and that anyone who believes
and accepts their message are free from it once they believe that they
can change are liars and have no basis in anything at all in regards
to being Homosexual. But I have no intention of going back to that
sinful lifestyle and I am going to continue working on this and to
keep continue seeking support and encouragement from those who believe
and support the truth about Homosexuality. This reminds me that I need
to be on guard as there will be those who are opposed to the truth
and since they are opposed to the truth, they are also opposed to the
creator and his son Jesus Christ. Not only that, these people opposed
to the truth are the real liars, especially when they tell others
that "you can be both a 'Christian and Gay'." But we all know that the
latter is not true at all. We all know that the Holy Bible condemns
the sexual activity between two members of the same gender and it is
in both the Old and the New Testaments. The apostle Paul said
that "men who lie with men" will never inherit God's Kingdom in the 1st
letter to the Corinthian church(1st Corinthians 6: 9-10). In
Galatians, the Apostle Paul also warns that "those practicing immoral
sexual activity" will never inherit God's Kingdom(Galatians 5: 19-21)
and isn't the sexual activity between two members of the same gender
considered immoral in the eyes of God? It is one of the reasons why
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah(Genesis 19: 1-26) While the Holy
Bible, which is God's sacred word and the only real way that we can
learn about him, does condemn the sexual activity between two members
of the same gender, we have to keep reminding ourselves that the Holy
Bible as well as God doesn't condemn the condition itself, because the
Homosexual condition is an emotional condition and not a sexual one.
God's way is "hate the sin. not the sinner." Regarding the
rampantness in the news about same sex marriage, we all know that God
does not acknowledge same sex marriage as God never intended for
marriage to be that way as he created man and woman for that. Plus,
when two members of the same gender supposedly get married, that is
lioke mocking God and as Galatians 6: 7-8 says "God is not mocked.
Whatever a man sows, he shall also reap". They are reaping corruption
by their supposedly getting married, even though God does not accept,
recognize nor acknowledge same sex marriage. He only recognizes,
acknowledges and accepts marriage between a man and a woman. No
questions asked. No if's, and's or but's. No substitutions. No
exceptions. His law is the only righteous law and the only law that is
required to be followed by anyone who claims to worship and love God
and accepts God in the name of his son Jesus Christ. As a result of
these negative encounters, I was depressed for much of the afternoon
on Tuesday and also for another reason, I gave into temptation six
consecutive times by masturbating and it was both emotional and
sexual. On Tuesday, I did have a talk with a Christian counselor over
the phone who lives in the region that I live in and I did feel a
little bit better. But I still gave in two more consecutive times for
a total of six consecutive times. This is the most that I have ever
relapsed in a long time. I am trying to get the idea of having sex
with other members of my own gender out of my mind. It just keeps
coming back every time that I turn around. I want to think Christian
thoughts about men and I want to continue looking at men as spiritual
brothers because the only real manly love is brotherly love in a
spiritual and Christian sense. That is the only way that a man can
love another man and there are no substitutes for brotherly love.
Brotherly love is unselfish, impartial, non-sexual and the feeling of
being loved by another man in a brotherly love sense is a lot more
wonderful than the feelings received from having immoral sex with
another member of your own gender.

Aside from me having a penis, I also have another thing that other men
have. I happen to have a white creamy liquid that comes out of the
penis called semen. It usually comes out of the penis when sexual
intercourse is performed and also, that liquid called semen has lots
of tiny sperm cells when it ejaculates out of the penis and it only
takes one little sperm cell to mate with a female egg cell to make a
new human life. That is why we men have that liquid and that is what
it was made for. I am not only biologically hard-wired to be
compatible with a female with the penis that I have, but I also have
the power to impregnate a woman with the semen that I have. Though I
do have these things as I am a member of the male sex, I have no plans
of using these things for anything immoral as I am trying to do the
right thing in the eyes of God and his only begotten son Jesus Christ
because I know that God, through the Holy Bible, condemns anything
sexually immoral. The thing is that both these things that men have
are being used for the wrong purposes and also, when the semen is
ejaculated in the act of that immoral intercourse, they are simply
wasting that seminal liquid in that and also, the penis is also being
used for the wrong purposes in that type of immoral intercourse. It is
just sad that those active in that sinful lifestyle are blind and
misguided and using their own sexual powers for those wrong
purposes as two members of the same gender can't reproduce as God made
man and woman for that reason. The never ending sexual promoscuity
that is very common in that sinful lifestyle can and will lead to AIDS
later on and once anyone has disease, they have signed their death
certificate as AIDS kills as there is no cure for that disease.
Someone that I knew actually died of that disease five years ago and
it really saddened me.

Regarding the masturbation episodes, I feel like a total basket base
at the moment. I have given into temptation six consecutive times and
I am feeling miserable as a result. Again, I feel like a total basket
case as a result of that. I am seeking healing and after those
negative and betraying like encounters with that former acquaintance
of mine who is an active Homosexual, I am now having images of naked
men cloud my mind and also, my cravings to act out have really
increased and I really don't want to act out. One minute he says
that he supports my decision and the next minute he says that I will
always be "Homosexual/Gay" and that there is NOTHING that I can do
about it. I guess that he really didn't take into consideration all
the abuse that I had suffered and endured as he still continues to
believe the lies about being "Born this way" or that it is "genetic"
and if you are "Homosexual/Gay", you are that way forever and that
nothing can change that. Again, I am learning the hard way each and
every day that there will be those who are opposed to the truth about
the changeability of Homosexuality. I also know that many of those
opposed to this truth are those who once believed the truth but later
abandoned that when persecution by those in that life and also, when
they didn't see any changes right away or in a short period of time,
they simply give up and run back to that life and join the opposition
towards the truth. I still want to change and I an still very serious
about seeking and wanting to change. I am also still determined to
change. I also want to do the right thing in regards to the law that
God set forth in his word, the Holy Bible, and stick to that law as it
is the only law that someone who believes and worships him is to be
following. Out in the world, everything is considered okay if you are
having a good time and whatever you are doing feels good and if it
does, you should continue doing it regardless of what anyone else from
religion says. That is what the world thinks, but as we learned from
the Holy Bible and from God himself, everything is not okay. There are
limits and if you love God and worship him, you should prove it by
obeying his laws that he set forth in the Holy Bible and that also
means that we are to leave the world alone. Because the world will
always follow it's own drummer but we as worshipers of God in the
name of Jesus Christ, we are to follow the drummer who is God with his
drum major Jesus Christ. You can't be an active Homosexual and be a
Christian. It is impossible. You can only represent one side of the
issue and not both. But I see that the world believes the lies as the
lies are more easy to believe than the truth.

I just wanted to share all of that because of the way that I have been
feeling and that I had to open up about my failing and falling short.
I still want to change. I am still determined to change. I am also
still determined to be the man that not only I want to be, but the man
that God wants me to be. Again, as Kenneth G. Smith, the author of the
book Learning To Be A Man said "A Man Becomes A Man When He Becomes
What God Wants Him To Be." That is what I am trying to become and
though there are opposers out there, we can't let them deter us from
doing what is right and also from changing who WE are as individuals.

I apologize for the length of this e-mail. I just had a lot to share
as I am continuing to seek change and also some support and
encouragement, which I really need as much as anyone else struggling
with this needs. Again, I apologize for the length of this.

Thanks to all of you for your kind words and also, for all the support
and encouragement that you give. Thanks again.

I hope that everyone in here has a wonderful day or evening.Sincerely
Frank R.Schoonover
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-05 00:35:14 UTC
Post by Edvado
To All Fellow Believers In Change

I really don't give a rat's ass whose pipe you puff.

To each his own - but that goes for Unsenet conversation, too.
2012-02-04 20:20:00 UTC
I have no doubt that McC. is the same person he always was. I was just
never sure if the Fabs were really behind it all. I was able to
explain away a lot of the clues as coincidences or in the eye of the
beholder. The dummies, supposidely from Tussauds, were obviously
altered. That's all i ever really said. and that alone tells me they
planted some of the other stuff as well.
Post by Edvado
Post by brilton
I just keep getting a mental image of Neil Aspinall sneaking into the
back of the Madame Tussauds lorry, dressed in a cloth cap and a brown
overcoat, and hurriedly manipulating the facial features of the wax
Beatles. ("Remember Neil, you just gotta rub the wax long enough for it
to melt and, sort of, you know, pull the mouths down a bit to make 'em
look sadder")
More importantly, even if NOBODY messed with the faces, it still has NO
bearing on whether or not Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash. The
Beatles look either "sad" or "tired" on the cover of "Rubber Soul" but it
doesn't mean they were in mourning, or anything else. That's just how they
looked in that one shot. Who knows what was going through the mind (or
minds) of the sculptor(s) working on the wax faces for those four
mannequins? It simply has NO bearing on the truth or fiction of the "Paul
is daed" stories.
And please - Stop thanking people for staying on-topic. that simply
acknowledges the blue meanies - and nobody really cares about them anymore.
2012-02-04 20:44:08 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I have no doubt that McC. is the same person he always was. I was just
never sure if the Fabs were really behind it all. I was able to
explain away a lot of the clues as coincidences or in the eye of the
beholder. The dummies, supposidely from Tussauds, were obviously
altered. That's all i ever really said. and that alone tells me they
planted some of the other stuff as well.
Interesting theory. I'm more of the mind that they had no reason to waste
as much time as it would have taken to pre-plan so many clues. Nor, as it
now looks, were they SMART ENOUGH to accomplish such a massive campaign.
Remember, this all supposedly happened while Brian Epstein was still alive,
and he really wasn't the sharpest Crayon in the box.

2012-02-04 21:06:49 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I have no doubt that McC. is the same person he always was. I was just
never sure if the Fabs were really behind it all. I was able to
explain away a lot of the  clues as coincidences or in the eye of the
beholder. The dummies, supposidely from Tussauds, were obviously
altered. That's all i ever really said. and that alone tells me they
planted some of the other stuff as well.
Interesting theory.  I'm more of the mind that they had no reason to waste
as much time as it would have taken to pre-plan so many clues.  Nor, as it
now looks, were they SMART ENOUGH to accomplish such a massive campaign.
Remember, this all supposedly happened while Brian Epstein was still alive,
and he really wasn't the sharpest Crayon in the box.
I don't think the smartness ability has anything to do with whether
The Beatles planned a series of clues on various album covers and
tracks, I find it preposterous that a band trying to escape the
excesses and negative aspects of fame while developing individual
pursuits and mutual musical progress would have had the time or
inclination to be bothered with such pranks.
2012-02-08 06:05:03 UTC
Post by marcus
Post by b***@comcast.net
I have no doubt that McC. is the same person he always was. I was just
never sure if the Fabs were really behind it all. I was able to
explain away a lot of the  clues as coincidences or in the eye of the
beholder. The dummies, supposidely from Tussauds, were obviously
altered. That's all i ever really said. and that alone tells me they
planted some of the other stuff as well.
Interesting theory.  I'm more of the mind that they had no reason to waste
as much time as it would have taken to pre-plan so many clues.  Nor, as it
now looks, were they SMART ENOUGH to accomplish such a massive campaign.
Remember, this all supposedly happened while Brian Epstein was still alive,
and he really wasn't the sharpest Crayon in the box.
I don't think the smartness ability has anything to do with whether
The Beatles planned a series of clues on various album covers and
tracks, I find it preposterous that a band trying to escape the
excesses and negative aspects of fame while developing individual
pursuits and mutual musical progress would have had the time or
inclination to be bothered with such pranks.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I agree.
2012-02-04 17:58:32 UTC
In transit their facial expressions changed?!
another idiot heard from!
Post by Edvado
Post by b***@comcast.net
thank you for taking the original topic back from the idiots.
the other clues are as I mentioned....
That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles?? They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
What do four artist's impressions of The Beatles' faces (and any
alterations that may have ocurred in transit) have anything to do with
Home Guard Chris
2012-02-05 21:02:00 UTC
Post by P-Dub
1. 'Turn me On Dead Man' - Playing 'Revolution 9' backward. Coincidence?
Absolutely a coincidence. It's a stock sample. Also, it only sounds like
that if you're expecting to hear that.
Post by P-Dub
4. Grave with left handed guitar - Cover of Sgt Pepper - deliberate.
Grave? Left-handed guitar? You're seeing what you want to see.
Post by P-Dub
5. 'Miss Him Miss Him' - Gibberish at end of song 'I'm So Tired'.
Questionable. But some say, if you play it backward, it says 'Paul is a
Dead Man. Miss Him Miss Him'. Hmmmmmm.....
Again, power of suggestion.
Post by P-Dub
6. 'I Buried Paul' - end of song 'Strawberry Fields Forever'. John
Lennon insisted that this really says 'Cranberry Sauce'. Hmmmmm....
It's crystal clear on the Anthology version that he does indeed say
"Cranberry Sauce".
Post by P-Dub
10. '28 IF' - from Abbey Road cover - license plate. I don't think this
one is a coincidence. It means '28 if Paul was alive'.
Abbey Road was released in September 1969. Paul was born in June 1942.
Would they really go to all the trouble of locating/manufacturing a
number plate for the purposes of planting a clue, but not bother to get
his age right?

As you can probably tell, I'm not convinced in the slightest that The
Beatles deliberately started the whole Paul is Dead thing. I think John
often had fun winding people up with his nonsensical lyrics, but that's it.
My band: feedback always welcome
- www.thehomeguard.info/music.html
2012-02-06 00:52:55 UTC
Post by P-Dub
7. 'Heres another clue for you all. The Walrus Was Paul' - from 'Glass
Onion'. This doesn't make any sense, but it's proof that the Beatles
were playing along with this charade. By the way - if you look at the
pictures on the Magical Mystery Tour album, you will see the Beatles
wearing the animal outfits at one point without the masks. John was the
Walrus after all.
This is John Lennon intentionally putting a line in a song as a RESPONSE to
all the P.I.D. garbage. He was 'aving a larf.
Post by P-Dub
8. Black carnation - from 'Magical Mystery Tour' photos. The others are
wearing red carnations, but Paul's is black - a color associated with
death. Hmmmmm.....
So I guess they went to every florist in the area and bought out all but
three of the red carnations so when the costume person went out to buy four
(s)he had to settle for one black? Now THAT'S planning!
Post by P-Dub
10. '28 IF' - from Abbey Road cover - license plate. I don't think this
one is a coincidence. It means '28 if Paul was alive'.
Of course, London licence plate configuration at that time did not ALLOW
for that configuration. The actual plate read LMW 28 1F. That's "twenty-
eight ONE eff" not "twenty-eight EYE eff."
2012-02-06 02:30:53 UTC
Post by Edvado
Post by P-Dub
7. 'Heres another clue for you all. The Walrus Was Paul' - from 'Glass
Onion'. This doesn't make any sense, but it's proof that the Beatles
were playing along with this charade. By the way - if you look at the
pictures on the Magical Mystery Tour album, you will see the Beatles
wearing the animal outfits at one point without the masks. John was the
Walrus after all.
This is John Lennon intentionally putting a line in a song as a RESPONSE to
all the P.I.D. garbage. He was 'aving a larf.
The "Paul Is Dead" stuff started around October 1969. I think the
references in "Glass Onion" were just a playful dig at people who wanted
to read detailed meanings into Beatles lyrics in general.
2012-02-06 03:38:32 UTC
Post by brilton
Post by Edvado
Post by P-Dub
7. 'Heres another clue for you all. The Walrus Was Paul' - from
'Glass Onion'. This doesn't make any sense, but it's proof that the
Beatles were playing along with this charade. By the way - if you
look at the pictures on the Magical Mystery Tour album, you will see
the Beatles wearing the animal outfits at one point without the
masks. John was the Walrus after all.
This is John Lennon intentionally putting a line in a song as a
RESPONSE to all the P.I.D. garbage. He was 'aving a larf.
The "Paul Is Dead" stuff started around October 1969. I think the
references in "Glass Onion" were just a playful dig at people who
wanted to read detailed meanings into Beatles lyrics in general.
Indeed it was: John said:

"I was having a laugh because there'd been so much gobbledygook about
Pepper - play it backwards and you stand on your head and all that."

-= rags =-
2012-02-06 16:42:49 UTC
Post by Edvado
Post by P-Dub
10. '28 IF' - from Abbey Road cover - license plate. I don't think this
one is a coincidence. It means '28 if Paul was alive'.
Of course, London licence plate configuration at that time did not ALLOW
for that configuration.  The actual plate read LMW 28 1F.  That's "twenty-
eight ONE eff" not "twenty-eight EYE eff."
Don't forget this bit: LMW = Linda McCartney Weeps...

I remember reading an interview some while back with the owner of that
VW. He complained that his licence plate was continually being
stolen. Every time he parked up he had to unscrew the plates and
carry them with him.
The Lone Star
2012-02-03 22:58:33 UTC
Post by P-Dub
3. 'He v Die' - Cover of Sgt Pepper - You can see this if you place a
knife through the lettering of the Sgt pepper kick drum words 'LONELY
HEARTS'. And the arrow seems to point to Paul. Got to be a coincidence.
Fantastic details like this can be created!

Witness Paul's name here is designed to read backwards and reverse



Loading Image...
2012-02-03 23:53:30 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles?? They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered.
So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
It was an obvious plant. And it obviously worked. Of course some
things were not planted at all and people imaginations took over.
Signed: Billy Shears
2012-02-03 14:57:49 UTC
I never believed the Paul is Dead mania when it happened and after.  I
remember well the 1969 craziness over it, all the supposed clues,
playing records backwards, and thought that people were nuts to buy
into it. My personal observation in 1969, and I still stand by it, is
that at the time casual fans of The Beatles were more likely to
believe the whole thing than big fans did.
It's what really got me interested in the Beatles.  I always liked
them and their songs as a child, but I more or less considered it to
be my older sister's music.  My own fascination with them pretty much
started when I heard that guy on the radio begin his show with "What
is this man saying?  Number 9... Number 9... Number 9..."  My friend
and I were freaked out by it, especially later when we put the records
on the turntable and played them backwards to hear this stuff for

Well, that's one good outcome from the whole controversy...that it got
you really interested in The Beatles.

But, your experience kinda goes with what I was saying...that really
big fans of The Beatles were less likely to believe the "hoax" than
casual fans.


2012-02-03 15:58:53 UTC
Post by marcus
I never believed the Paul is Dead mania when it happened and after.  I
remember well the 1969 craziness over it, all the supposed clues,
playing records backwards, and thought that people were nuts to buy
into it. My personal observation in 1969, and I still stand by it, is
that at the time casual fans of The Beatles were more likely to
believe the whole thing than big fans did.
It's what really got me interested in the Beatles.  I always liked
them and their songs as a child, but I more or less considered it to
be my older sister's music.  My own fascination with them pretty much
started when I heard that guy on the radio begin his show with "What
is this man saying?  Number 9... Number 9... Number 9..."  My friend
and I were freaked out by it, especially later when we put the records
on the turntable and played them backwards to hear this stuff for
Well, that's one good outcome from the whole controversy...that it got
you really interested in The Beatles.
But, your experience kinda goes with what I was saying...that really
big fans of The Beatles were less likely to believe the "hoax" than
casual fans.
Well, I'm not sure if I really believed it, even though at that time I
had more of a tendency to take adults at their word. It was just
something that my friend and I found extremely eerie, and it inspired
us to talk about the group, sing their songs, and play catch up by
reading about them in teen magazines that my sister kept.
Mack A Damia
2012-02-07 13:23:21 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay. The thread was ruined for me, too.
You ruined many threads with your constantly updating us about your
dying cat. Nobody fucking cares you stupid bitch. Jay was including
you amongst the groups morons.
I'm going to go on youtube now to see that section of Blue Jay Way
that you were talking about. I wish you had included a link, but
hopefully I'll find it.
I doubt it. You are obviously not a very bright person. You will be
lucky to find a video on how to wipe your ass.
2012-02-07 16:04:27 UTC
No Mr. Mack a Damia...I was referring to you. How's your brother Ack a
Damia...probably a lot smarter than you.

On 7 Feb 2012 13:23:21 -0000, "Mack A Damia"
Post by Mack A Damia
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay. The thread was ruined for me, too.
You ruined many threads with your constantly updating us about your
dying cat. Nobody fucking cares you stupid bitch. Jay was including
you amongst the groups morons.
I'm going to go on youtube now to see that section of Blue Jay Way
that you were talking about. I wish you had included a link, but
hopefully I'll find it.
I doubt it. You are obviously not a very bright person. You will be
lucky to find a video on how to wipe your ass.
The Lone Star
2012-02-07 18:04:31 UTC
I don't remember Mack A Damia being this bad.

Something must be going on with him that we are not aware of.

His behavior and name calling is truly unbelievable and is not
productive at all.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-07 18:18:35 UTC
On Tue, 7 Feb 2012 10:04:31 -0800 (PST), The Lone Star
Post by The Lone Star
I don't remember Mack A Damia being this bad.
Something must be going on with him that we are not aware of.
His behavior and name calling is truly unbelievable and is not
productive at all.
Check your full headers before you jump to conclusions. The message
is a forgery from the annonymous remailer troll - methinks it's one of
the regulars in the group, too.
The Lone Star
2012-02-07 19:00:01 UTC
Post by Mack A. Damia
On Tue, 7 Feb 2012 10:04:31 -0800 (PST), The Lone Star
Post by The Lone Star
I don't remember Mack A Damia being this bad.
Something must be going on with him that we are not aware of.
His behavior and name calling is truly unbelievable and is not
productive at all.
Check your full headers before you jump to conclusions.  The message
is a forgery from the annonymous remailer troll - methinks it's one of
the regulars in the group, too.
Good to know.

Mack A. Damia
2012-02-07 23:51:48 UTC
On Tue, 7 Feb 2012 11:00:01 -0800 (PST), The Lone Star
Post by The Lone Star
Post by Mack A. Damia
On Tue, 7 Feb 2012 10:04:31 -0800 (PST), The Lone Star
Post by The Lone Star
I don't remember Mack A Damia being this bad.
Something must be going on with him that we are not aware of.
His behavior and name calling is truly unbelievable and is not
productive at all.
Check your full headers before you jump to conclusions.  The message
is a forgery from the annonymous remailer troll - methinks it's one of
the regulars in the group, too.
Good to know.
That's okay. To err is human; forgive, divine.

I post through Individual.net and use Forte Agent 4.2.

That's next to impossible to forge.

Remailer usually has an .au extention - some outfit in Austria, I
think. Lots of complaints about them online if you do a Google.

Another one, dizum.com is usually in the header, too. Also a
controversial outfit used for annonymous remailing.
2012-02-08 02:30:29 UTC
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by Mack A. Damia
Check your full headers before you jump to conclusions.  The message
is a forgery from the annonymous remailer troll - methinks it's one of
the regulars in the group, too.
Good advice - so many posts here (from poetry to abuse!) are forgeries -
though many are so crude, that calling them forgeries is a compliment!
Post by Mack A. Damia
Remailer usually has an .au extention - some outfit in Austria, I
think. Lots of complaints about them online if you do a Google.
Don't know where the remailer is, but .au is an Australian suffix, not
Austrian (which is .at).

-= rags =-
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-08 02:43:13 UTC
Post by RAGS
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by Mack A. Damia
Check your full headers before you jump to conclusions.  The message
is a forgery from the annonymous remailer troll - methinks it's one of
the regulars in the group, too.
Good advice - so many posts here (from poetry to abuse!) are forgeries -
though many are so crude, that calling them forgeries is a compliment!
Post by Mack A. Damia
Remailer usually has an .au extention - some outfit in Austria, I
think. Lots of complaints about them online if you do a Google.
Don't know where the remailer is, but .au is an Australian suffix, not
Austrian (which is .at).
That's interesting. I saw something about Austria in my research, but
now I can't find it. Dizum is in the Netherlands.

I have a hunch that the troll is a regular in RMB. Do we have any

Yes, check your full headers before you make a judgment. Also, if you
feel like complaining to reece.au and dizum.com, do so. Maybe they'll
get tired of complaints, but annonymous remailing is what they are in
business for.
2012-02-08 02:52:28 UTC
Post by RAGS
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by Mack A. Damia
Check your full headers before you jump to conclusions. The message
is a forgery from the annonymous remailer troll - methinks it's one of
the regulars in the group, too.
Good advice - so many posts here (from poetry to abuse!) are forgeries -
though many are so crude, that calling them forgeries is a compliment!
Post by Mack A. Damia
Remailer usually has an .au extention - some outfit in Austria, I
think. Lots of complaints about them online if you do a Google.
Don't know where the remailer is, but .au is an Australian suffix, not
Austrian (which is .at).
-= rags =-
Austrians living in Australia tend to get pissed off when watching
Olympic Games opening ceremonies, because the Australian coverage
focuses on the home team's march-past, and skips Austria, which is
directly after Australia.
Lisi Peteras
2012-02-08 03:02:43 UTC
Post by brilton
Post by RAGS
Check your full headers before you jump to conclusions. The message
is a forgery from the annonymous remailer troll - methinks it's one of
the regulars in the group, too.
Good advice - so many posts here (from poetry to abuse!) are forgeries -
though many are so crude, that calling them forgeries is a compliment!
Remailer usually has an .au extention - some outfit in Austria, I
think. Lots of complaints about them online if you do a Google.
Don't know where the remailer is, but .au is an Australian suffix, not
Austrian (which is .at).
-= rags =-
Austrians living in Australia tend to get pissed off when watching
Olympic Games opening ceremonies, because the Australian coverage
focuses on the home team's march-past, and skips Austria, which is
directly after Australia.
Mack loves Austrians living anywhere because they are mostly ex-Nazi's.
And as we know, nobody quotes more from Hitler than Mack A. Damia.
Lisi Peteras
2012-02-08 03:00:32 UTC
Post by RAGS
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by Mack A. Damia
Check your full headers before you jump to conclusions. The message
is a forgery from the annonymous remailer troll - methinks it's one of
the regulars in the group, too.
Good advice - so many posts here (from poetry to abuse!) are forgeries -
though many are so crude, that calling them forgeries is a compliment!
Post by Mack A. Damia
Remailer usually has an .au extention - some outfit in Austria, I
think. Lots of complaints about them online if you do a Google.
Don't know where the remailer is, but .au is an Australian suffix, not
Austrian (which is .at).
Typical Mack. Always tries to come across as Mister Know It All but he
always turns out to be Bullwinkle.

The dumb fuck wants so badly for us to be impressed with him by throwing
out so many "facts" such as this but they turn out to be the shit that
does not stick.

And he the shit that stinks.
2012-02-07 21:24:36 UTC
On Tue, 07 Feb 2012 10:18:35 -0800, Mack A. Damia
Post by Mack A. Damia
On Tue, 7 Feb 2012 10:04:31 -0800 (PST), The Lone Star
Post by The Lone Star
I don't remember Mack A Damia being this bad.
Something must be going on with him that we are not aware of.
His behavior and name calling is truly unbelievable and is not
productive at all.
Check your full headers before you jump to conclusions. The message
is a forgery from the annonymous remailer troll - methinks it's one of
the regulars in the group, too.
Maybe it's dual personality thing like Fight Club?
2012-02-07 20:22:42 UTC
On Feb 7, 5:23 am, "Mack A Damia" <***@hotmale.com> wrote:

Cut -
Post by Mack A Damia
I doubt it. You are obviously not a very bright person. You will be
lucky to find a video on how to wipe your ass.
Maybe the local well stocked library might have an instruction booklet

2012-02-08 03:14:20 UTC
Post by Mack A Damia
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay.  The thread was ruined for me, too.
You ruined many threads with your constantly updating us about your
dying cat. Nobody fucking cares you stupid bitch. Jay was including
you amongst the groups morons.
I'm going to go on youtube now to see that section of Blue Jay Way
that you were talking about.  I wish you had included a link, but
hopefully I'll find it.
I doubt it. You are obviously not a very bright person. You will be
lucky to find a video on how to wipe your ass.
Pretty harsh here, Mack.

Donna doesn't need anyone to defend her, she's perfectly capable of
that herself, but knowing Donna for all of these years, I find her as
one of the most sincere, caring posters in this ng. She doesn't
deserve the insults you have hurled her way.

Just needed to say that
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-08 03:20:32 UTC
Post by marcus
Post by Mack A Damia
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay.  The thread was ruined for me, too.
You ruined many threads with your constantly updating us about your
dying cat. Nobody fucking cares you stupid bitch. Jay was including
you amongst the groups morons.
I'm going to go on youtube now to see that section of Blue Jay Way
that you were talking about.  I wish you had included a link, but
hopefully I'll find it.
I doubt it. You are obviously not a very bright person. You will be
lucky to find a video on how to wipe your ass.
Pretty harsh here, Mack.
Donna doesn't need anyone to defend her, she's perfectly capable of
that herself, but knowing Donna for all of these years, I find her as
one of the most sincere, caring posters in this ng. She doesn't
deserve the insults you have hurled her way.
Just needed to say that
Why are you posting to alt.music.jewish?

Why don't you read your full headers and see that I did not write the
offending message to which you refer?

We're presently discussing the annonymous remailers in another
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-08 03:35:56 UTC
On Tue, 07 Feb 2012 19:20:32 -0800, Mack A. Damia
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by marcus
Post by Mack A Damia
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay.  The thread was ruined for me, too.
You ruined many threads with your constantly updating us about your
dying cat. Nobody fucking cares you stupid bitch. Jay was including
you amongst the groups morons.
I'm going to go on youtube now to see that section of Blue Jay Way
that you were talking about.  I wish you had included a link, but
hopefully I'll find it.
I doubt it. You are obviously not a very bright person. You will be
lucky to find a video on how to wipe your ass.
Pretty harsh here, Mack.
Donna doesn't need anyone to defend her, she's perfectly capable of
that herself, but knowing Donna for all of these years, I find her as
one of the most sincere, caring posters in this ng. She doesn't
deserve the insults you have hurled her way.
Just needed to say that
Why are you posting to alt.music.jewish?
Why don't you read your full headers and see that I did not write the
offending message to which you refer?
We're presently discussing the annonymous remailers in another
Come to think of it, YOU may be the annonymous troll. How about that?

Lisi Peterinitsass?
2012-02-08 03:47:36 UTC
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by marcus
Post by Mack A Damia
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay.  The thread was ruined for me, too.
You ruined many threads with your constantly updating us about your
dying cat. Nobody fucking cares you stupid bitch. Jay was including
you amongst the groups morons.
I'm going to go on youtube now to see that section of Blue Jay Way
that you were talking about.  I wish you had included a link, but
hopefully I'll find it.
I doubt it. You are obviously not a very bright person. You will be
lucky to find a video on how to wipe your ass.
Pretty harsh here, Mack.
Donna doesn't need anyone to defend her, she's perfectly capable of
that herself, but knowing Donna for all of these years, I find her as
one of the most sincere, caring posters in this ng.  She doesn't
deserve the insults you have hurled her way.
Just needed to say that
Why are you posting to alt.music.jewish?
Why don't you read your full headers and see that I did not write the
offending message to which you refer?
We're presently discussing  the annonymous remailers in another
OK, I admit that I can no longer tell who is real or who isn't, so if
I erred on who I was directing my post to, I'm sorry. However,
whoever it was that dissed Donna so disgustingly, your remarks were
uncalled for.
Mack A. Damia
2012-02-08 04:00:53 UTC
Post by marcus
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by marcus
Post by Mack A Damia
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay.  The thread was ruined for me, too.
You ruined many threads with your constantly updating us about your
dying cat. Nobody fucking cares you stupid bitch. Jay was including
you amongst the groups morons.
I'm going to go on youtube now to see that section of Blue Jay Way
that you were talking about.  I wish you had included a link, but
hopefully I'll find it.
I doubt it. You are obviously not a very bright person. You will be
lucky to find a video on how to wipe your ass.
Pretty harsh here, Mack.
Donna doesn't need anyone to defend her, she's perfectly capable of
that herself, but knowing Donna for all of these years, I find her as
one of the most sincere, caring posters in this ng.  She doesn't
deserve the insults you have hurled her way.
Just needed to say that
Why are you posting to alt.music.jewish?
Why don't you read your full headers and see that I did not write the
offending message to which you refer?
We're presently discussing  the annonymous remailers in another
OK, I admit that I can no longer tell who is real or who isn't, so if
I erred on who I was directing my post to, I'm sorry. However,
whoever it was that dissed Donna so disgustingly, your remarks were
uncalled for.
I agree with you. That's nasty, and nobody deserves that kind of
abuse. Open your full headers and note the remailer. reece.au and
dizum.com. That's how you tell who's who.

I post through Individual.net and use Forte Agent 4.2. It's written
plainly in the full headers.

I think it's one or two trolls, but they may be regulars. But why did
you crosspost to several groups including alt.music.jewish?
2012-02-08 17:42:46 UTC
Post by marcus
Post by Mack A. Damia
Post by marcus
Post by Mack A Damia
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay.  The thread was ruined for me, too.
You ruined many threads with your constantly updating us about your
dying cat. Nobody fucking cares you stupid bitch. Jay was including
you amongst the groups morons.
I'm going to go on youtube now to see that section of Blue Jay Way
that you were talking about.  I wish you had included a link, but
hopefully I'll find it.
I doubt it. You are obviously not a very bright person. You will be
lucky to find a video on how to wipe your ass.
Pretty harsh here, Mack.
Donna doesn't need anyone to defend her, she's perfectly capable of
that herself, but knowing Donna for all of these years, I find her as
one of the most sincere, caring posters in this ng.  She doesn't
deserve the insults you have hurled her way.
Just needed to say that
Why are you posting to alt.music.jewish?
Why don't you read your full headers and see that I did not write the
offending message to which you refer?
We're presently discussing  the annonymous remailers in another
OK, I admit that I can no longer tell who is real or who isn't, so if
I erred on who I was directing my post to, I'm sorry.  However,
whoever it was that dissed Donna so disgustingly, your remarks were
uncalled for.
I agree with you.  That's nasty, and nobody deserves that kind of
abuse.  Open your full headers and note the remailer.  reece.au and
dizum.com.  That's how you tell who's who.
I post through Individual.net and use Forte Agent 4.2.  It's written
plainly in the full headers.
I think it's one or two trolls, but they may be regulars.  But why did
you crosspost to several groups including alt.music.jewish?
I seldom, if eve,r check to see if the post is going anywhere but
where I intend it to go. I didn't realize it went there. Obviously
the poster I replied to must have posted his post there as well as RMB
2012-02-08 04:00:28 UTC
Post by marcus
Pretty harsh here, Mack.
Donna doesn't need anyone to defend her, she's perfectly capable of
that herself, but knowing Donna for all of these years, I find her as
one of the most sincere, caring posters in this ng.  She doesn't
deserve the insults you have hurled her way.
Just needed to say that
Awww... thanks, Marcus, but that wasn't Mack. And thank you, too,
Robert. Yeah, it was the dopey forger again... which is easy to
spot. And then we also have "Dr. Steerforth's" message which made no
sense whatsoever. These posts are all so immature and dumb, they're
not even worth skimming over for the hell of it. I'll tell ya, we had
some clever trolls in rmb over the years, but this one (or two) isn't
even witty or entertaining. I keep picturing some pathetic weirdo
with a sad case of paraphilic infantilism, wearing diapers and
drinking from a baby bottle.
2012-02-08 17:43:50 UTC
Post by marcus
Pretty harsh here, Mack.
Donna doesn't need anyone to defend her, she's perfectly capable of
that herself, but knowing Donna for all of these years, I find her as
one of the most sincere, caring posters in this ng.  She doesn't
deserve the insults you have hurled her way.
Just needed to say that
Awww... thanks, Marcus, but that wasn't Mack.  And thank you, too,
Robert.  Yeah, it was the dopey forger again... which is easy to
spot.  And then we also have "Dr. Steerforth's" message which made no
sense whatsoever.  These posts are all so immature and dumb, they're
not even worth skimming over for the hell of it.  I'll tell ya, we had
some clever trolls in rmb over the years, but this one (or two) isn't
even witty or entertaining.  I keep picturing some pathetic weirdo
with a sad case of paraphilic infantilism, wearing diapers and
drinking from a baby bottle.
You forogt to add, "living in his mother's basement apt."
2012-02-08 06:10:21 UTC
Post by marcus
Post by Mack A Damia
Post by b***@comcast.net
I'm sorry to see this go off topic after about 2 comments. This
newsgroup really has some morons!
I agree with you completely, Jay.  The thread was ruined for me, too.
You ruined many threads with your constantly updating us about your
dying cat. Nobody fucking cares you stupid bitch. Jay was including
you amongst the groups morons.
I'm going to go on youtube now to see that section of Blue Jay Way
that you were talking about.  I wish you had included a link, but
hopefully I'll find it.
I doubt it. You are obviously not a very bright person. You will be
lucky to find a video on how to wipe your ass.
Pretty harsh here, Mack.
Donna doesn't need anyone to defend her, she's perfectly capable of
that herself, but knowing Donna for all of these years, I find her as
one of the most sincere, caring posters in this ng.  She doesn't
deserve the insults you have hurled her way.
Just needed to say that- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You may be confusing the real Mack with a troll who often tries to
impersonate posters.
M C hammered
2012-02-07 20:40:50 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
 That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles??  They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered.
So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
What it is is a freakin METPHOR. Paul is AUTISTICLY dead. Compade to
the friggin Yoke.

Nuff said people.

Nuff GODDANG well said.
abe slaney
2012-02-08 03:54:08 UTC
What it is is a freakin METPHOR.  Paul is AUTISTICLY dead.  Compade to
the friggin Yoke.
Nuff said people.
Nuff GODDANG well said.
2012-02-08 05:37:23 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
 That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles??  They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered.
So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
IMO the wax dummies had nothing to do with the Paul is dead rumor.
Those dummies are looking sad at a "grave" on Sgt. Peppers. It's as
if the
Beatles are gone and replaced with a new band.
2012-02-08 16:20:51 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
 That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles??  They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered.
So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
Lennon interview re rumor:

2012-02-08 18:03:32 UTC
John saying "it's a joke" certainly isn't a denial that some stuff
was planted. They would have viewed the planting of clues as a joke.
C'mon...it was leaked all at once and within a day or two, the clues
were known by everyone. did everyone play i know paul was never dead
and a lot of the clues are bullshit and not really there. But what's
up with those Pepper dummies, the
"He Die" on the Pepper cover, and that freaky scene in the Blue Jay
Way video that shows a headless corpse and Magical Mystery Boy written
across the chest?
Those devious clever lads!!
Post by Fattuchus
Post by b***@comcast.net
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
 That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles??  They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered.
So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
2012-02-08 18:07:13 UTC
I meant to say...did someone play all those records backwards within
a day or two...or did someone in the beatles camp tell somebody
exactly where to look?

If you lived through it, you'll remember that every little clue came
out at once....too much of a coincidence!
Post by b***@comcast.net
John saying "it's a joke" certainly isn't a denial that some stuff
was planted. They would have viewed the planting of clues as a joke.
C'mon...it was leaked all at once and within a day or two, the clues
were known by everyone. did everyone play i know paul was never dead
and a lot of the clues are bullshit and not really there. But what's
up with those Pepper dummies, the
"He Die" on the Pepper cover, and that freaky scene in the Blue Jay
Way video that shows a headless corpse and Magical Mystery Boy written
across the chest?
Those devious clever lads!!
Post by Fattuchus
Post by b***@comcast.net
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
 That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles??  They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered.
So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
Famous Amos
2022-06-09 20:26:53 UTC
Post by b***@comcast.net
I know this has probably been done to death (no pun...) but I just
read R. Gary Patterson's book The Walrus Was Paul , which told me
nothing I hadn't heard before and a lot of BS I didn't need to know.
That said, did anyone ever really look at the Tussaud wax dummies of
the "early" Beatles?? They supposedly borrowed them for the shoot.
But...don't they look very sad. Paul is standing there looking down
with a consoling hand on Ringo's shoulder. The others look similarly
strange. That is NOT the wax figure's expressions from the original
wax dummies. They were altered.
So I'm convinced they did plant all this stuff and leak it to the
press when it was time (Abbey Road's release).What do you think???
btw, if you're gonna write who gives a shit...don't bother.
Paul really is Dead and John actualy is allive and has been spoted and even photograffed buksing in New Yorke's subway's....