2025-02-01 15:58:47 UTC
PermalinkBeatles offered him a drink. Dylan asked for "cheap wine." The Beatles
also offered him speed, which Dylan declined. Dylan proposed instead
that they smoke marijuana. The Beatles admitted to him that they had
never used it -- which astonished Bob. "What about your song, the one
about getting high?" Eventually, the issue was sorted out; Dylan had
misheard the lyric "I can't hide" from "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" as "I
get high."
Dylan or a colleague of his then produced a joint, which Dylan lit up
and offered to John. John, instead, handed the cigarette to Ringo, whom
he pronounced "My royal taster." Ringo smoked the entire thing, and
went into a laughing fit. The other guys agreed to partake of the
substance, and at least two of them, John and Paul, became regular users
-- so much so, that when Lennon's retiring personal assistant showed his
understudy Fred Seaman the ropes of his new job, he showed him about
procuring Thai stick for John.
Just curious: Does anyone in here still smoke weed? I used to, for a
while. However, I find today's marijuana culture, at least in suburban
Massachusetts, disturbing. There are now three dope dispensaries in my
small town, and the regulars shuffle up and down the street, murmuring
to themselves in Jeffrey Dahmer monotones about how that want to
purchase Greenland, take over Canada, and rename the Gulf of Mexico.
These people have doped themselves into thinking they ARE Donald Trump.