Julian Lennon''s Comments on His Father in 2000
(too old to reply)
2024-08-05 15:58:19 UTC
In a letter on his website on the 20th anniversary of his father's
death, Julian Lennon said that Yoko had plunged his father into a "black
hole" and ruined Julian's and his father's relationship.

Julian went on to wonder what their relationship would have been like
then if his father were alive. "I guess it depends," he concluded, on
whether he was John Lennon (Dad) or John Ono Lennon (manipulated lost
2024-08-07 01:31:06 UTC
Post by Norbert
In a letter on his website on the 20th anniversary of his father's
death, Julian Lennon said that Yoko had plunged his father into a "black
hole" and ruined Julian's and his father's relationship.
Julian went on to wonder what their relationship would have been like
then if his father were alive.  "I guess it depends," he concluded, on
whether he was John Lennon (Dad) or John Ono Lennon (manipulated lost
Sounds a fair enough reply.

Actually I just listened to Valotte yesterday, and enjoyed it immensely.

2024-08-07 14:24:01 UTC
Post by Geoff
Post by Norbert
In a letter on his website on the 20th anniversary of his father's
death, Julian Lennon said that Yoko had plunged his father into a "black
hole" and ruined Julian's and his father's relationship.
Julian went on to wonder what their relationship would have been like
then if his father were alive.  "I guess it depends," he concluded, on
whether he was John Lennon (Dad) or John Ono Lennon (manipulated lost
Sounds a fair enough reply.
Actually I just listened to Valotte yesterday, and enjoyed it immensely.
Wonderful album and I like the followup even better. Both produced by
the late great Phil Ramone who deserves much of the credit. I don't
know if Ramone was too busy or what but he didn't produce the third
album and unfortunately it was downhill from there for Julian's career.
2024-08-07 12:04:03 UTC
I think Yoko was a death sentence for John right from the start. She
had no other agenda than to help herself to all he had created. In
order for her wicked spell to work she had to convince John to have
nothing to do with Julian or Cynthia. Julian's statements are entirely
appropriate imo...
2024-08-09 18:40:07 UTC
I think Yoko's master plan for using John as merely a puppet to her own
ends hit an enormous snag because of one person...

Julian. Julian looks like John. Julian sounds like John.

And so I think she used all the forces available to her to destroy him.
Fortunately for all of us, that agenda has failed...
2024-08-09 21:04:52 UTC
Remember how Yoko had Sean release "Into the Sun" at the same time (May
of '98) that Julian released his well-liked Photograph Smile album?

Then Sean had that embarrassing Rolling Stone interview in which he
parroted Yoko's garbage and tossed in conspiracy theories to boot?

Sean's almost 50; I wonder if he has any sense of how Yoko has
manipulated him. Some people remain in the thrall of their narcissistic
parents their whole lives. Others wake up.
2024-08-10 09:48:15 UTC
Post by pamina58
I think Yoko's master plan for using John as merely a puppet
to her own ends hit an enormous snag because of one person...
Julian looks like John. Julian sounds like John.
If only Julian could write songs like John!
2024-08-10 17:21:08 UTC
Post-"eating acid like candy" and Yoko, John couldn't write songs the
way his earlier, focused self could.
2024-08-11 17:48:01 UTC
I agree that the drugs and, what imo amounts to torture by Yoko, took a
great toll on John's songwriting. That is the price he paid for getting
caught in her web...
2024-08-12 12:56:28 UTC
As far as the heroin and the constant smoking, Yoko was doing that, too.
I think she was miserable with Lennon. He was an annoyance to her
personally, but she wanted --and felt she deserved -- his money and

Something tipped Lennon off, during his last months, that Ono's interest
in Sam Green and Sam Havadtoy was more than professional. I'm told
Lennon asked himself in his journals: "Is mother f*cking the gay

In a conversation with Fred Seaman on the subjects of Yoko's Sams,
Lennon sneered that Havadtoy was a "mercenary pretty boy," while Green
was a "Warhol groupie" with an impressive gift for the gab. He wrapped
up the monologue by saying, "We all need our flings," leaving Seaman,
who knew that Yoko's interest in Green was very serious, bewildered at
Lennon's capacity for denial.
2024-08-18 19:15:46 UTC
Some knew, and looked away...
2024-08-20 10:21:59 UTC
John was recalcitrant. When people tried to talk sense into him, he'd
dig his heals in and stick to whatever his crazy idea of the moment was.
Geoff Emerick discusses numerous instances of John getting crazy ideas
and McCartney responding by going silent and looking at the ground. He
knew it was hopeless.
2024-08-20 12:06:59 UTC
Some knew that John was being caused to consume substances without his
knowledge or permission and looked away.
2024-08-20 12:29:54 UTC
Which people and substances do you refer to?

2024-08-11 17:41:49 UTC
If Julian had John as a mentor, things might be different. As it is,
his arrangements are usually cluttered. With Breathe, however, he
recently did a remix that I think has more clarity than the
Who knows? Maybe he is hearing John in the vortex...
2024-08-09 18:37:25 UTC
I think Yoko was causing John to consume toxic substances without his
knowledge or permission. They were intended to make sure he could do
nothing without her.

I think some knew of this yet looked away.

I see John as a victim.
2024-08-09 23:43:11 UTC
Post by pamina58
I think Yoko was causing John to consume toxic substances without his
knowledge or permission.  They were intended to make sure he could do
nothing without her.
I think some knew of this yet looked away.
I see John as a victim.
At the same I think John knew this deep down, but himself 'looked away'.

2024-08-10 18:47:46 UTC
According to Goldman, Lennon took to wearing a tie depicting a fly
caught in a spider's web during the later Dakota years.
2024-08-10 09:48:14 UTC
Post by pamina58
I think Yoko was causing John to consume toxic substances
We know Yoko had a hairy bush but calling it a toxic substance
is taking things a bit too far!!!