Whose the Donnal Trump of RMB??
(too old to reply)
M C hammered
9 years ago
Fokes I feel it in my bones and I sayyit to you as Presdent of ow own very RMB group, that this feller DonnelvTrump, he gone do it, he gone becomeify it. He gone restow class an digmitty to our Consti-frikkin-tootchims.

So who issit amung us who be it, the analgy of Donnel Trump? Hopa you feel its Me Mista Charlie. But it cudda also be the Robin to my Batman Mista Rich. Specialist of Yoko Science.

So who gits yo vote???

Ermemba...its...the constertootchim at steak.

Nuff said
Phil A. Scheo
9 years ago
Post by M C hammered
Fokes I feel it in my bones and I sayyit to you as Presdent of ow own very RMB group, that this feller DonnelvTrump, he gone do it, he gone becomeify it. He gone restow class an digmitty to our Consti-frikkin-tootchims.
So who issit amung us who be it, the analgy of Donnel Trump? Hopa you feel its Me Mista Charlie. But it cudda also be the Robin to my Batman Mista Rich. Specialist of Yoko Science.
So who gits yo vote???
Gotta be Marcus. He uses the word "I" more than anybody here, and he thinks his take on the Beatles is the only one that matters.
M C hammered
9 years ago
Awrite. Das one vote fer Mockus. But dont git hinckty now Mockus. The full votes is yet to be tallied and Mistas Charlie an Rich is onyer ass!
Phil A. Scheo
9 years ago
Post by M C hammered
Awrite. Das one vote fer Mockus. But dont git hinckty now Mockus. The full votes is yet to be tallied and Mistas Charlie an Rich is onyer ass!
M C, ken I hole a dolla?
9 years ago
I'd rather be the Bernie Sanders of RMB.
M C hammered
9 years ago
Bernie Sanda's da cotton pickin SOSHLIST??? Why da firk you wanna be dat? Cuzza like in soshlism, da gubmint gonns take away yer Beetle reckid's an even yer YOLK albumm's fer Gobscrape's!

Only good thing bout Bernie Sanda's is dis...hey MAY be erlattered ta KERNEL SANDA'S in wish case da gubmint may pervide free chickum each day, aling wid mash pertater's an graby.

Nuff said
Phil A. Scheo
9 years ago
Post by Marcus
I'd rather be the Bernie Sanders of RMB.
You am what you am.
9 years ago
Post by Phil A. Scheo
Post by Marcus
I'd rather be the Bernie Sanders of RMB.
You am what you am.
I love anyone who is a communist. Bernie is a communist and jew. He
follows in the footsteps of other wonderful commiejews like Julius and
Ethel Rosenberg.

I often go to Bernie's rallies and offer to suck his cock and toss his
salad. It tastes really good after a hearty meal at Moishe's Pastrami

Bernie has the best tasting man mustard. And it is kosher of course.
M C hammered
9 years ago
Post by Phil A. Scheo
Post by Marcus
I'd rather be the Bernie Sanders of RMB.
You am what you am.
Yes, dassa exelent insite (you musta of been lissnen to da Yoke).

But da same cudda been of said fer many of us.

So keep dat in mine.

Nuff said
poisoned rose
9 years ago
Post by Marcus
Post by M C hammered
Awrite. Das one vote fer Mockus. But dont git hinckty now Mockus. The
full votes is yet to be tallied and Mistas Charlie an Rich is onyer ass!
I'd rather be the Bernie Sanders of RMB.
You're much more like our *Richard* Sanders.

Failed to load image: http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTc0MDcwODQ0M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzc1MzcxOA@@._V1_UY317_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg
Darky Marky
9 years ago
Post by Marcus
I'd rather be the Bernie Sanders of RMB.
Let's see, a socialist, self aggrandizing, delusional jew...

Yep you fit, commie.
9 years ago
Apparently showing up at The Deep End Club in New York where the
ex-drummer of The Like is, who might be English.
9 years ago
Post by hislop
Post by Marcus
I'd rather be the Bernie Sanders of RMB.
Apparently showing up at The Deep End Club in New York where the
ex-drummer of The Like is, who might be English.
Your post is too esoteric for me.

What do you mean?
9 years ago
Post by Marcus
Post by hislop
Post by Marcus
I'd rather be the Bernie Sanders of RMB.
Apparently showing up at The Deep End Club in New York where the
ex-drummer of The Like is, who might be English.
Your post is too esoteric for me.
What do you mean?
I follow someone on the internet who used to play drums in an all girl
group called The Like. She's always posting political things, and she
works in a place called The Deep End Club in New York and advertises
Bernie Sanders as talking there. She's probably more of a communist
than I thought.
9 years ago
Latest CNN polls show Sanders would beat either Trump, Bush or Walker.
M C hammered
9 years ago
Yes but they fergotta menshim, like only Commernist's contribushered to the frikkin pole.

An like I Mista Charlie seddit befo, I aint vitrin fer Sanda's less he PROMICE his burtha the kernel gone bring me a bucket o his chickum akong wud mash taters, grabey, fries, biskits, coal sla an summa them desserts wid da chicklit pyddin an whip creme.

Nuff said
Jack Ryan
9 years ago
On Friday, July 31, 2015 at 11:06:24 PM UTC-4, Marcus The Commie jew
Post by Marcus
Latest CNN polls show Sanders would beat either Trump, Bush or Walker.
The commie gets his information from the Communist News Network, what a

And what a surprise indeed that they would pick a commie jew over
excellent candidates the Republicans have.

Marxus watches the Don Lemon show daily drooling over the thought of
squeezing Don's lemon until the juice runs down his leg.

Then he can wipe it up with his copy of the Stalin election results
from Pravda.
Mack A. Damia
9 years ago
On Sat, 1 Aug 2015 13:38:38 -0400 (EDT), Jack Ryan
Post by Jack Ryan
On Friday, July 31, 2015 at 11:06:24 PM UTC-4, Marcus The Commie jew
Post by Marcus
Latest CNN polls show Sanders would beat either Trump, Bush or Walker.
The commie gets his information from the Communist News Network, what a
And what a surprise indeed that they would pick a commie jew over
excellent candidates the Republicans have.
Poll: No Republican Candidate Capable of Managing Applebee's


Jack Ryan
9 years ago
Nice try Beav. Linking to commie jews writing in libtard media that
nobody reads except uneducated berks like you only shows why the
Republicans control Congress and soon will control the White House.

But why don't you and MarXus get a discount fare to Russia and move
there with Alec Baldwin, Al Sharpton and the other bastions of

9 years ago
Post by Jack Ryan
Nice try Beav. Linking to commie jews writing in libtard media that
nobody reads except uneducated berks like you only shows why the
Republicans control Congress and soon will control the White House.
But why don't you and MarXus get a discount fare to Russia and move
there with Alec Baldwin, Al Sharpton and the other bastions of
Pssst Jack, c'mere...Russia hasn't been communist in over 25 years.
Mack A. Damia
9 years ago
Post by Marcus
Post by Jack Ryan
Nice try Beav. Linking to commie jews writing in libtard media that
nobody reads except uneducated berks like you only shows why the
Republicans control Congress and soon will control the White House.
But why don't you and MarXus get a discount fare to Russia and move
there with Alec Baldwin, Al Sharpton and the other bastions of
Pssst Jack, c'mere...Russia hasn't been communist in over 25 years.
Jack the troll is dumber than mud. He and his butt-buddies are still
waiting for Romney to take the oath of office.
9 years ago
Post by Marcus
Post by Jack Ryan
Nice try Beav. Linking to commie jews writing in libtard media that
nobody reads except uneducated berks like you only shows why the
Republicans control Congress and soon will control the White House.
But why don't you and MarXus get a discount fare to Russia and move
there with Alec Baldwin, Al Sharpton and the other bastions of
Pssst Jack, c'mere...Russia hasn't been communist in over 25 years.
And I've become so politically cynical, this Independent would gladly roll the dice and cast my vote for Putin, were he eligible to run for office in the US Presidential election.
M C hammered
9 years ago
I Mista Charlie feelit in my hot, tgat this time round, Donnal Trump gone be the Oaf of Office.

To restow CLAS and DIGGERNITY to this fine lan o ow's.

Nuff salad
Mack A. Damia
9 years ago
On Sat, 1 Aug 2015 13:38:38 -0400 (EDT), Jack Ryan
Post by Jack Ryan
On Friday, July 31, 2015 at 11:06:24 PM UTC-4, Marcus The Commie jew
Post by Marcus
Latest CNN polls show Sanders would beat either Trump, Bush or Walker.
The commie gets his information from the Communist News Network, what a
And what a surprise indeed that they would pick a commie jew over
excellent candidates the Republicans have.

9 years ago
A secret: CNN is almost as much as joke as FOX.

-GJ 2.0
9 years ago
I seldom watch CNN, but at least they make an attempt to show both sides of an issue whereas Fox is nothing more than a right-wing Republican media house organ without no objectivity.
Mack A. Damia
9 years ago
Fox Snooze was actually criticizing the Clintons for making millions
of dollars over the past few years. No mention of Trump, of course.
Jack Ryan
9 years ago
Post by gj
A secret: CNN is almost as much as joke as FOX.
The biggest joke is PMSNBC which has no viewers other than MarXus. It
is so bad there that they are getting rid of the "talent" and going to
rebrand it since Microsoft ran away from them.

CNN has been a joke for decades. Only self important libtards like
MarXus think it has any credibility. They too got rid of lots
of "talent" and management because nobody watches them.

Instead, everyone watches Fox. Wonder why?
9 years ago
Post by Jack Ryan
Post by gj
A secret: CNN is almost as much as joke as FOX.
The biggest joke is PMSNBC which has no viewers other than MarXus. It
is so bad there that they are getting rid of the "talent" and going to
rebrand it since Microsoft ran away from them.
CNN has been a joke for decades. Only self important libtards like
MarXus think it has any credibility. They too got rid of lots
of "talent" and management because nobody watches them.
Instead, everyone watches Fox. Wonder why?
Because all the big money Corporate Oligarchy runs it and manages to convince brainless simpletons like you that they are actually presenting the "news"
Mack A. Damia
9 years ago

Mack A. Damia
9 years ago
Mack A. Damia
9 years ago
(Safe) http://tinyurl.com/qfay6mh
5 years ago
The thing about Trump is that everything he does REEKS of overcompensation. Confident people don't brag constantly the way he does. Self-assured people aren't forever insulting others. Then there's his bizarre fake tan, the weird hair implants, and the gold-plated toilets.

I believe Stormy Daniels got a close look at what Trump's problem really is. She said that his penis was miniscule and misshapen. It looked, she said, like a bizarre fungus.

Beneath all the boasting, the childish insults, and the various physical veneers, Trump is a fat old freak with a deformed dick.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Post by Curtis
The thing about Trump is that everything he does REEKS of overcompensation.
Oh, goody! An online headshrinker - what fun!

Confident people don't brag constantly the way he does.

You mean, say, the way O'Butthole used "I" (or derivatives
thereof) nearly FOUR HUNDRED TIMES in a 90-minute speech
in Berlin?


Self-assured people aren't forever insulting others.

God, that one's almost too easy. Progtards don't do anything
BUT insult people - all day, every day. Just watch any evening
newscast (other than Fox) for details...

Then there's his bizarre fake tan,

You have a problem with his skin color? What are you, a fuckin'

the weird hair implants,

All of a sudden we're talking about Biden? Can't you stay on


and the gold-plated toilets.

Jeezuz on a Harley, fucking progtards will believe *anything*!

Post by Curtis
I believe Stormy Daniels got a close look at what Trump's problem really is. She said that his penis was miniscule and misshapen. It looked, she said, like a bizarre fungus.
Well, I guess that nails it, I mean...whores never *lie*, do
they? No, of course not. BTW - she got her ass handed to her
in court. Her lawyer is looking at 335 years in the slammer.
Some fine, upstanding folks you're citing, here... very
believable. And - of course - you had to bring up dick. No
progtard can write even a short article without mentioning
dicks, or fags, or...well, you get the idea.

Post by Curtis
Beneath all the boasting,
You mean like the way the Beatless said they were more popular
than Jesus? Stuff like that?

the childish insults,

Sort of how you dug a four year-old thread out of the dumpster
behind RMB so you could take a shit on the leader of the free
world? Childish shit like that?

and the various physical veneers, Trump is a fat old freak with a deformed dick.

Right. And you're a chicken-shit progtard with no balls.

My name's Willie Whittaker. I'm in Denver. My phone number
is 720-480-2718.

Your turn. (I won't hold my breath.)

Lord Valve, ThD
Patriot/Musician (fuck you - pick a key)

T R U M P 2 0 2 0 - M A G A - 1 7 7 6 / 1 8 6 1

W W G 1 W G A
5 years ago
Post by Lord Valve
My name's Willie Whittaker. I'm in Denver. My phone number
is 720-480-2718.
Willie, appropriate to the bent of the conversation - ha ha ha !

And in my country Whittaker's is a brand of chocolate.

Just saying ....

Lord Valve
5 years ago
Post by geoff
Post by Lord Valve
My name's Willie Whittaker. I'm in Denver. My phone number
is 720-480-2718.
Willie, appropriate to the bent of the conversation - ha ha ha !
If I'm not mistaken (and I'll admit that I don't know)
there's a difference in spelling: "Willie" is a name,
"willy" is someone's pecker. Of course, rules for
slang are often different than for formal language.
Interesting, is it not, that all you took away from
watching me hand this hapless schmuck his hindquarters
is something having to do with dicks. Leftist, are you
Post by geoff
And in my country Whittaker's is a brand of chocolate.
And this means....what? That I might be black? What if
I was, then? In my country, there are plenty of outfits
which bear that name, none of which have anything to do
with me. Do you have a point?

BTW - I hear your country's gun confiscation scam isn't
going too well. Boo-hoo...
Post by geoff
Just saying ....
You're just saying nothing - you just wanted to pile on.
BTW - in *my* country, Kiwi is a brand of shoe polish.

Lord Valve, ThD
Expert (fuck you)

T R U M P 2 0 2 0 - M A G A - 1 7 7 6 / 1 8 6 1

W W G 1 W G A
5 years ago
Depends on how extreme to the right you may be. All comparative really.
Post by Lord Valve
Post by geoff
And in my country Whittaker's is a brand of chocolate.
And this means....what? That I might be black?
No. Connection with willie (or willy if you prefer), and hu-hu-valve.
Bit of a theme going here. Not suggesting that you might be a
pillow-biter, not that that would matter anyway.

What if
Post by Lord Valve
I was, then? In my country, there are plenty of outfits
which bear that name, none of which have anything to do
with me. Do you have a point?
No, just a sense of humour (or humor if you prefer).
Post by Lord Valve
BTW - I hear your country's gun confiscation scam isn't
going too well. Boo-hoo...
Pretty well, and accepted by pretty much all affected users but the
small number of most ardent redneck militarists.
Post by Lord Valve
Post by geoff
Just saying ....
You're just saying nothing - you just wanted to pile on.
BTW - in *my* country, Kiwi is a brand of shoe polish.
Same here.

Lord Valve
5 years ago
I'll take that as a yes. Have a nice day.
Norbert K
5 years ago
I don't know if the Alt-Right movement has infected your part of the world. In any event, Alt-Righters are a bit different from old-school rednecks. The ignorance and profanity remain. However, conspiracism and misogyny are essential to the Alt-Right mindset. These fat asses cannot mention any female without making derogatory remarks about her genitals. Why? Because these guys are closet homosexuals. They crave cock -- even if it is shriveled and misshapen.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Post by Norbert K
I don't know if the Alt-Right movement has infected your part of the world. In any event, Alt-Righters are a bit different from old-school rednecks. The ignorance and profanity remain. However, conspiracism and misogyny are essential to the Alt-Right mindset. These fat asses cannot mention any female without making derogatory remarks about her genitals. Why? Because these guys are closet homosexuals. They crave cock -- even if it is shriveled and misshapen.
And there it is - you cannot have an argument with a progtard
without him mentioning cock.

5 years ago
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Curtis
The thing about Trump is that everything he does REEKS of overcompensation.
Oh, goody! An online headshrinker - what fun!
Confident people don't brag constantly the way he does.
You mean, say, the way O'Butthole used "I" (or derivatives
thereof) nearly FOUR HUNDRED TIMES in a 90-minute speech
in Berlin?
Obama wasn't a braggart. Trump is, and it reeks of overcompensation.
Post by Lord Valve
Self-assured people aren't forever insulting others.
God, that one's almost too easy. Progtards don't do anything
BUT insult people - all day, every day. Just watch any evening
newscast (other than Fox) for details...
That is not true.
Post by Lord Valve
Then there's his bizarre fake tan,
You have a problem with his skin color? What are you, a fuckin'
We both know that the metallic orange sheen is not Trump's natural skin color.
Post by Lord Valve
the weird hair implants,
All of a sudden we're talking about Biden? Can't you stay on
Biden's hair is at least a color that occurs in nature. Trump's is urine-yellow (from Putin?).
I was talking about Stormy Daniels' description of Trump's dick. She said it was tiny and fungus-like in appearance.
Post by Lord Valve
Post by Curtis
Beneath all the boasting,
You mean like the way the Beatless said they were more popular
than Jesus? Stuff like that?
That was John Lennon, not the Beatles. And it wasn't a boast. It was, he believed, a statement of fact.
Post by Lord Valve
the childish insults,
Sort of how you dug a four year-old thread out of the dumpster
behind RMB so you could take a shit on the leader of the free
world? Childish shit like that?
How old are you?

And what's the "leader of the free world" doing taking it up the ass from Putin (not to mention Kim Jong Un, with whom he admitted he was "in love" and the Saudi King)?
Post by Lord Valve
and the various physical veneers, Trump is a fat old freak with a deformed dick.
Right. And you're a chicken-shit progtard with no balls.
My name's Willie Whittaker. I'm in Denver. My phone number
is 720-480-2718.
Your turn. (I won't hold my breath.)
That's called a Pavlovian response. The subject of penises comes up - and you start giving out your name and phone number to men you don't know.

I'm straight, Willie. I'm not interested in hooking up with you. Deal with it.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Indeed, when you get your ass handed to you, everybody's
a faggot. And of course you won't post your contact info,
because you're a chicken-shit fuck. I mean, hell - somebody
might track you down and steal your lunch money, right?

Piss off, wanker - you performed as expected, nothing to
see here.

5 years ago
The only you handed me were your name and phone number. And I'm reminding you, Willie, that I AM NOT INTERESTED.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Like I said - a progtard can't help but spew faggotry.

You're a prime example.
5 years ago
You've demonstrated this and I pity you. A female is mentioned - and you insult her sex organs. Russians are mentioned - and you want to know if they are macho. Dicks are mentioned, and you impulsively start giving out your name and phone number. You can't help it.
Lord Valve
5 years ago
Go right ahead and spew your little fantasy.
Doesn't matter a rat's ass to me - or anyone

I award you the last word - enjoy yourself:
3 years ago
You will revise your opinion of Willie as a laughingstock when Trump is reinstated. It will be any day now.
Lord Valve
5 years ago

Norbert K
5 years ago
Post by Lord Valve
God, that one's almost too easy. Progtards don't do anything
BUT insult people - all day, every day. Just watch any evening
newscast (other than Fox) for details...
Fox? Oh yeah, that's the channel whose commentator dubbed Trump a "big dumb baby."
Joe Mahoney
2 years ago
Post by Lord Valve
My name's Willie Whittaker.

9 years ago
Post by Jack Ryan
Post by gj
A secret: CNN is almost as much as joke as FOX.
The biggest joke is PMSNBC which has no viewers other than MarXus. It
is so bad there that they are getting rid of the "talent" and going to
rebrand it since Microsoft ran away from them.
9 years ago
Post by Marcus
Post by Jack Ryan
Post by gj
A secret: CNN is almost as much as joke as FOX.
The biggest joke is PMSNBC which has no viewers other than MarXus. It
is so bad there that they are getting rid of the "talent" and going to
rebrand it since Microsoft ran away from them.
I meant to post this:

poisoned rose
9 years ago
Post by Phil A. Scheo
Gotta be Marcus. He uses the word "I" more than anybody here, and he thinks
his take on the Beatles is the only one that matters.
And everyone is jealous of him, besides.
Norbert K
about a year ago
Trump completely ruined the already-tenuous culture of rural Massachusetts. One rarely gets through a day without hearing ludicrous Donald Trump-style false bragging.

I've got a corpulent redneck neighbor who stumbled over recently to tell me that he'd purchased his son the "Rolls-Royce" of X-boxes." He gestured towards the machine I was working with, and boasted, "I know more than anybody about weed-whackers." The tool was a leaf-blower.
3 years ago
Fokes I feel it in my bones and I sayyit to you as Presdent of ow own very RMB group, that this feller DonnelvTrump, he gone do it, he gone becomeify it. He gone restow class an digmitty to our Consti-frikkin-tootchims.
So who issit amung us who be it, the analgy of Donnel Trump? Hopa you feel its Me Mista Charlie. But it cudda also be the Robin to my Batman Mista Rich. Specialist of Yoko Science.
So who gits yo vote???
Ermemba...its...the constertootchim at steak.
Nuff said
Let's see, it would have to be a would-be bully with a penchant for juvenile insults. He'd have to have a tendency to boast falsely and spread moronic conspiracy theories. Someone who craves to be the center of attention, but who can't achieve this through anything good, so he'd achieve notice through grotesque behavior. There was such a person posting in here for a time - what was his name, "Load" something or other?
Norbert K
3 years ago
There was somebody around here who fit that bill. He called himself "Grand Spigot" or some-such. "Mighty Nozzle"?
3 years ago
Rumor has it he's been seen stumbling around downtown Colorado in a buffalo helmet, face paint, and a coonskin vest open to allow his enormous lasagna-gut to dangle to his knees. Anytime he spots someone who looks as if he has shaved in the last decade, he bellows accusations of socialism.
Joe Mahoney
3 years ago
Fokes I feel it in my bones and I sayyit to you as Presdent of ow own very RMB group, that this feller DonnelvTrump, he gone do it, he gone becomeify it. He gone restow class an digmitty to our Consti-frikkin-tootchims.
So who issit amung us who be it, the analgy of Donnel Trump? Hopa you feel its Me Mista Charlie. But it cudda also be the Robin to my Batman Mista Rich. Specialist of Yoko Science.
So who gits yo vote???
Ermemba...its...the constertootchim at steak.
Nuff said
Fortunately there doesn't seem to be a lot of bragging in here. Or conspiracy theorizing.
2 years ago
Fokes I feel it in my bones and I sayyit to you as Presdent of ow own very RMB group, that this feller DonnelvTrump, he gone do it, he gone becomeify it. He gone restow class an digmitty to our Consti-frikkin-tootchims.
So who issit amung us who be it, the analgy of Donnel Trump? Hopa you feel its Me Mista Charlie. But it cudda also be the Robin to my Batman Mista Rich. Specialist of Yoko Science.
So who gits yo vote???
Ermemba...its...the constertootchim at steak.
Nuff said
Looking forward to Trumpty Dumpty's 'special announcement' tomorrow. Or the response to it.
2 years ago
Fokes I feel it in my bones and I sayyit to you as Presdent of ow own very RMB group, that this feller DonnelvTrump, he gone do it, he gone becomeify it. He gone restow class an digmitty to our Consti-frikkin-tootchims.
So who issit amung us who be it, the analgy of Donnel Trump? Hopa you feel its Me Mista Charlie. But it cudda also be the Robin to my Batman Mista Rich. Specialist of Yoko Science.
So who gits yo vote???
Ermemba...its...the constertootchim at steak.
Nuff said
A reminder that Trump was once looked at as a mere buffoon. No; give an ignorant moron power and he's dangerous.

If memory serves, this is also the thread that sent the "mighty" Valve scurrying.
2 years ago
An ignorant moron, or vile and very clever - knowing exactly how to
manipulate ignorant morons ?

Piggies ?

Norbert K
2 years ago
"I love the poorly educated!" -- Trump.
2 years ago
Fokes I feel it in my bones and I sayyit to you as Presdent of ow own very RMB group, that this feller DonnelvTrump, he gone do it, he gone becomeify it. He gone restow class an digmitty to our Consti-frikkin-tootchims.
So who issit amung us who be it, the analgy of Donnel Trump? Hopa you feel its Me Mista Charlie. But it cudda also be the Robin to my Batman Mista Rich. Specialist of Yoko Science.
So who gits yo vote???
Ermemba...its...the constertootchim at steak.
Nuff said
Not a good day for Trumpty.