"Russian Asset" - a new poem by rags!
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RAG Seely
2020-06-15 13:08:36 UTC
"Russian Asset"

by R.A.G. Seely

I am a Russian asset
To a despot, deep in debt
Indifferent to what's fair
Checks and balances, beware

I espouse conspiracies
Disperse disorder with ease
People are perturbed, upset
I am a Russian asset

I am a Russian asset
To democracy a threat
Liberty is obsolete
Freedom I'll one day defeat

Why let go my motherland?
I have shaken Putin's hand
I am his marionette
I am a Russian asset

I am a Russian asset
Resisters have cause to fret
Let's recall Letvinenko
What an ugly way to go

I mutter of miracles
Entice evangelicals
Push the peoples' opiate
I am a Russian asset

I am a Russian asset
Soon we'll be subordinate
Putinism's yet to peak
America's an antique

Self-governance will degrade
Prepare Vict'ry Day parades
My seating in Red Square's set
I am a Russian asset

I am a Russian asset
Abs'lutism I abet
America I'll make great
A Russian satellite state

I'm the Useful Idiot
Serving as Putin's Puppet
United States? I say "Nyet!"
I am a Russian asset

2024-02-03 17:22:06 UTC
Post by RAG Seely
"Russian Asset"
by R.A.G. Seely
I am a Russian asset
To a despot, deep in debt
Indifferent to what's fair
Checks and balances, beware
I espouse conspiracies
Disperse disorder with ease
People are perturbed, upset
I am a Russian asset
I am a Russian asset
To democracy a threat
Liberty is obsolete
Freedom I'll one day defeat
Why let go my motherland?
I have shaken Putin's hand
I am his marionette
I am a Russian asset
I am a Russian asset
Resisters have cause to fret
Let's recall Letvinenko
What an ugly way to go
I mutter of miracles
Entice evangelicals
Push the peoples' opiate
I am a Russian asset
I am a Russian asset
Soon we'll be subordinate
Putinism's yet to peak
America's an antique
Self-governance will degrade
Prepare Vict'ry Day parades
My seating in Red Square's set
I am a Russian asset
I am a Russian asset
Abs'lutism I abet
America I'll make great
A Russian satellite state
I'm the Useful Idiot
Serving as Putin's Puppet
United States? I say "Nyet!"
I am a Russian asset
7-7-7-7, straight through.
